Canadian Association for Play Therapy: Foundation Play Therapy Training Days

Canadian Association for Play Therapy
Foundation Play Therapy Training

Live On-line Instructor Lead
Individual Full Days of Training 2021


 May 3 ? 14, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Introduction to Play Therapy
• Play Therapy History, Models and Process ? 2 days
• Ethical Practice in a Play Therapy Setting
• Assessment & Treatment Planning in a Play Therapy Context
• Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
• Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy ? 2 days
• Theraplay as a Play Therapy Model
• Family Play Therapy

June 14 ? 25, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Sandtray Therapy ? 2 days
• Brain Research and Child Development in a Play Therapy Setting
• Understanding Traumatized Children and Applying Play Therapy Tools in the Treatment of Trauma in Children ? 2 days
• Treating Disruptive Behaviour Problems in a Play Therapy Setting ? 2 days
• Creating an Inclusive and Culturally Competent Play Therapy Practice
• Storytelling in a Play Therapy Session
• Understanding and Treating Anxious Children

August 9 ? 20, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Play Therapy with Abused Children ? 2 days
• Day 1 ? Physical and Emotional Abuse
• Day 2 ? Sexual Abuse
• Puppetry in a Play Therapy Setting
• Play Therapy with Adults
• Group Therapy
• Play Therapy for Children and Families Coping with Loss ? 2 days
• Case Application
• Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
• Vicarious Trauma and Self Care in a Play Therapy Environment

For Details on Dates, Registration, Training Outlines and Learning Outcomes go to: