OSCA/ACOSO President’s Message for January - Susi Dupuis


Happy New Year to all!

As we return from what is hoped to have been a restful time to recollect, relax and enjoy the Christmas Season, we look to the pressures of what lies ahead in transitions for our elementary and secondary students, as plans for the next school year begin to unfold (already!). It is a time of conversations about and exploration towards next steps to Pathways Planning that involves looking to adjust to new surroundings as elementary students reach out to their secondary schools, and our Grade 12 potential graduates begin to affirm their decisions about post-secondary. As well, students are heading into a time period of course selection which can provide assurances or newness that they may or may not be prepared for. These are exciting times as we look to recognize the skills developed and growth in maturity since September of those who come before us. 

Meet OSCA/ACOSO’s Board of Directors: Susi Dupuis, President

We at OSCA/ACOSO are also transitioning, as the Board of Directors welcomes its new members and remains grateful to those who are returning to serve for another year.  Over the next several weeks, you will be introduced to those who are committed to providing continued professional development and support in the world of Guidance and Careers Studies as your 2023 OSCA/ACOSO Board!

I am looking forward to acting as President of OSCA/ACOSO for the 2023 calendar year!  I previously held the position of Vice President of Governance, and have been a member of both the Communications and Professional Development Committees during my short time on the Board of Directors. I am fulfilling the role of Secondary Program Pathways Consultant for K-12 with the Lambton Kent District School Board, as well as being the Board’s OYAP Recruiter. I am honoured as an educator to bring opportunities to staff, students and families that are meant to help develop skills and provide exploration of pathways destinations in planning for the future dreams of our youth. As a wife, mother, and soon-to-be grandmother, life balance remains a high priority as we continue to attempt to move to our traditional ways while moving out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Being ever-aware of time management, physical and mental capabilities, and the desire to enjoy the esthetics of life, these are constants that remain for being able to do well at work and at home. Here is hoping all are remembering to put oneself first in order to be who one needs to be for others.



Bonne année à tous!
Alors que nous revenons de ce que l’on espère avoir été un temps reposant pour se recueillir, se détendre et profiter du temps de Noël, nous nous préparons pour ce qui nous attend. Nous examinons les pressions en ce qui concerne les transitions pour nos élèves du primaire et du secondaire, alors que les plans pour la prochaine année scolaire commencent à prendre forme
(déjà!). C’est un temps de conversations et d’exploration vers les prochaines étapes de la planification de parcours. Cela implique de chercher à s’adapter à un nouvel environnement alors que les élèves du primaire se tournent vers leurs écoles secondaires et que nos diplômés potentiels de la 12 e année commencent à affirmer leurs décisions concernant le post-secondaire. De plus, les élèves se dirigent vers une période de sélection de cours qui peut fournir des assurances ou des nouveautés auxquelles ils peuvent ou non être préparés. C’est une période excitante alors que nous cherchons à reconnaitre les compétences développées et la croissance en maturité depuis septembre de ceux parmi nous.

Rencontrez le conseil d'administration d'OSCA/ACOSO : Susi Dupuis, présidente

Nous sommes également en période de transition à l’OSCA/ACOSO alors que le conseil
d’administration accueille ses nouveaux membres tout en restant reconnaissant envers ceux qui
reviennent pour une autre année. Au cours des prochaines semaines, vous serez présentés à
votre conseil d’administration 2023 : un groupe de personnes qui s’engagent à fournir un
perfectionnement professionnel continu ainsi qu’un soutien dans le monde de l’orientation et la
formation au cheminement de carrière!