Supporting Secondary Students Through Tests and Exams


School Mental Health Ontario is excited to share the first expansion lesson of the MH LIT: Student Mental Health in Action series is now available: Test and Exam Stress: Strategies to Perform at Your Best.   
MH LIT: Student Mental Health in Action is a series of four lessons to support the development of basic mental health knowledge and help-seeking skills. The lessons are designed for use with secondary students, focusing on building their understanding of mental health and mental illness, signs of mental health problems, and how/where to access help when needed. 
Expansion lessons focus on specific topic areas that align with and build on the four core lessons in the series. This first expansion lesson focuses on test and exam stress, building students' knowledge and skills to better manage stress associated with tests, exams, and other assessments, evaluations, and performance-based situations. Expansion lessons are ideally offered after the core lessons have been delivered to ensure students have a grounding in mental health literacy. However, they may be used independently with proper scaffolding (see the lesson for more). A second expansion lesson on managing transitions out of secondary school will be available in February. 
You can find all four core lessons and this expansion lesson on the School Mental Health Ontario website.