OSCA Awards showcase

Now is the time to nominate a deserving colleague for an OSCA award. Perhaps it is that person who has created a great resource that has allowed students to create their own pathway? Maybe you know a Guidance Counsellor who is the ‘go to’ person at your school? Perhaps a deserving community partner that provides excellent support for your school?

You have until September 18th, 2023 11:59 p.m. to nominate someone, but why not do it now? 

Chacun et chacune de nous connaît un collègue innovateur, qui accomplit avec enthousiasme son travail auprès des élèves de son école. Pourquoi ne pas reconnaître leur contribution à notre profession en posant leur candidature à l’un des prix de l’ACOSO? Pour poser la candidature de quelqu’un, appuyez sur le lien de la mise en candidature. Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être soumises en ligne d’ici le 18 septembre 2023 à 23h59.


The Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources

This award is presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to the career development of young people through the creation, development and delivery of high quality Guidance and Career Education Resources.