Frantic February!


Jessica Dulmage
Vice President of Professional Development

And just like that January has flown by and I don't know about you, but February is a busy month in my building!  Between Semester two course changes, new registrations, and then course selections for the following school year, February is a month that flies by. I've often thought of wearing roller skates to school so that I can get around the building just as quickly! Thankfully, we do have a Family Day break where we can simply sit and take a moment to breathe and enjoy life's little blessings.   

The PD Committee has started to prepare for our 2023 conference, which will be face to face again! We can't wait to see all your faces — both familiar and new. This means that we will be putting out a call for proposals soon. This is where we invite OSCA members to present to their peers at the conference. We would love to hear from you about the awesome new things you have been up to these past few years. So make sure that you are watching the OSCA site and checking your emails so that you don't miss your opportunity to present at the 2023 conference.