Save the Date! OSCA/ACOSO Webinar - Tuesday, May 9th @ 10:00 AM
Student Mental Health In Action - Resources for Guidance Educators

We are delighted to have Gail Lalonde, Resource Development, Learning and Training Services Consultant Lead from School Mental Health Ontario, with us to deliver this session! This webinar will explore SMHO's valuable resources for Guidance educators to aid in supporting the mental health and well-being of Ontario students. Included will be a focus on both mental health promotion materials in addition to strategies for noticing and supporting students who may be struggling with their mental health.

Since 2011, School Mental Health Ontario has worked alongside the Ministry of Education, English and French school districts and school authorities, and a number of provincial education and health organizations, to develop a systematic and comprehensive approach to school mental health. SMHO aims to enhance the quality and consistency of mental health promotion, prevention, and early intervention programming in Ontario schools. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your Mental Health and Well-Being toolkit!

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