GAME BRAiN Presentation

GAME BRAiN is a free presentation funded by the Ministry of Health which informs youth on the risks of gambling. GAME BRAiN will be available to all Ontario High Schools starting this fall. The GAME BRAiN presentation targets students in grades 9-12 and highlights the risks of gambling, how to avoid these risks and where to get help. Research has shown that youth are 2-4 times more likely to develop a gambling problem than adults, so it is important for youth to be aware of the realities of gambling, the risks involved and where to get help if need be. For more info on GAME BRAiN please click on the GAME BRAiN info sheet which includes a short video and booking form. To date, over 50,000 students across Ontario have found GAME BRAiN to be educational, engaging and a great way to learn about gambling risks.

If you would like to book a free GAME BRAiN presentation for your students, or get more information, please email Mary Davis, Senior Project Manager, RGC