Exclusive invitation: SparkPath Class Presentations (until May 26th)

JP MIchel from Sparkpath Challenge Cards is offering a handful of complimentary classroom presentations on career exploration between now and May 26, and wants to know if you would be interested in participating. We are looking for both grades 7/8 and high school students.

Step 1: Book a timeslot in the calendar here

Step 2: Before the presentation, students will be asked to fill out a survey about their career interests (approx. 30 minutes). 

Step 3: During the presentation, your students will receive a customized career profile. They will have the opportunity to review this profile and provide feedback through a survey. 

From JP: I know you are extremely busy, so let me lay out the 'why' if it helps. The benefits for students would be a customized career profile with recommendations for organizations, people, jobs, and learning options. The benefits for you would be improving an approach to meaningful career exploration with the intentions of changing the world! 

If this is a good fit for you and those you help, please go ahead and book a time here.