ONTransfer.ca: A valuable resource for Ontario guidance counsellors to help students understand their postsecondary options

ONTransfer.ca: A valuable resource for Ontario guidance counsellors to help students understand their postsecondary options

Applying for college or university can be a stressful time for students. What if they don’t get into the program they want? What if they get there and discover the program just  isn’t a good fit? Ensuring a student understands they have options can go a long way to ease their postsecondary concerns. Ultimately, it’s their decision, but you can help guide them along the way.

It’s common for high school students to have uncertainty when selecting a program or school. For guidance counsellors, ONTransfer.ca is a valuable resource that can support students as they navigate their next academic step.

Developed and maintained by the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT), this free online tool explains how academic pathways work and identifies potential postsecondary options. ONTransfer.ca can also identify alternate entry points into programs or schools, which can be especially beneficial for students who may not initially meet admission criteria.

ONTransfer.ca also shows how credit transfer works, which is essential for students who may, at some point, want to transfer credits between programs or institutions; this helps students save previously earned credits, time, and money.

One of the most valuable features of ONTransfer.ca is the ability to access additional support and guidance. Students can contact the ONTransfer.ca team directly via the website; following up with someone and asking specific questions empowers students to make informed choices and feel confident when making important decisions about their education.

ONTransfer.ca shows students how to get where they want to go, wherever they start. Guidance counsellors can leverage this resource to support their students and effectively contribute to their academic success. For more information visit ONTransfer.ca.