Re-Igniting School, Skills and Futures!

The Project Youth Energy team is working with young people, 15-25 years of age,
who have fallen off their educational path, due to school and work closures in recent years, and now struggling to get back on track.

We work directly with young people to assess their needs, and connect them with the
appropriate Mentors & Coaches, Educators, Trainers and Business Partners,
to give them direction and focus, and help them level up their academic and job skills.
We tailor a plan to the individual’s needs, and there is no cost for our services.
We are powered by The Institute for 21st Century Questions and Ontario Skills Development.

Check out our website for more information on the work we are doing.

Do you know a young person who could benefit from the PYE program? I’d love to
chat with them! My contact information is below or connect via our website.
Can our team help your team in your work with Youth? I’d love to hear from you!

We are very excited about this initiative, and are committed to helping our youth and our
communities to move forward positively, after the challenging pandemic years.

Elizabeth Galvin, Director
C: (905) 580-7821