New OSCA/ACOSO Webinar! Tuesday December 12 @ 10 AM
Eating Disorders in the Classroom: Tips & Tools for Guidance Educators

In this webinar, facilitators from the National Eating Disorder Information Centre will lead guidance counsellors through a session on the pertinent signs of disordered eating in youth. Attendees will learn practical strategies for taking a comprehensive school health approach to eating disorder prevention, including frameworks to support a student or teacher coming forward with concerns; conversation tips that centre weight inclusion, food neutrality, and body acceptance; and community resources that could provide referral options to support all those that are affected. The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a registered Canadian charity that has been helping Canadians affected by eating disorders since 1985. We operate a national toll-free helpline and live chat program, providing in-the-moment support, information, resources, and navigation of healthcare services for people struggling with eating disorders, as well as the families, friends, and professionals who care for them. Register Here!