New Webinar Opportunity on Wednesday, May 1 at 10:00 AM
Trauma-Informed Practice: How to Understand the 
Impacts of Trauma on Student Behaviour

Do you know how childhood trauma or attachment disruptions can affect the students in your school community? Often, problem behaviour can be linked to a history of childhood trauma, affecting a student's ability to have healthy social relationships, pay attention in school, or have any interest in planning for the future. This 60-minute session is led by Kristen Gionfriddo, MSW, RSW, Training Manager for the George Hull Centre Institute of Childhood Trauma and Attachment, on the impact of trauma on student behaviour, and offer strategies to guidance educators on how to best support students who may be dealing with childhood trauma. 

Trauma affects the development of children's brains and nervous systems. While it equips children to survive, it doesn't equip them to thrive in the classroom. A persistent lack of safety or sense of belonging changes our brains and nervous systems in ways that make it difficult to access relationships and the most education has to offer. A trauma-Informed approach is essential for supporting these students and can help us understand all children better. We hope you will consider joining us for this very important session. Register Here!