Congratulations to all of our Guidance and Career Education Award recipients for the 2023-2024 school year, recognized at this year's Awards Gala as part of our OSCA/ACOSO's 60th Anniversary Conference! | Félicitations à tous!


The Russ Seltzer Award for Contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario
Mélanie Gamache, Centre des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est

The Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance 
Carolina Greco, Toronto Catholic District School Board

The Career/Life Skills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education
Elizabeth Lessard, CSC MonAvenir




The Phil Hedges Award, Contribution to Guidance and Career Education

East (Ottawa) Region - Sarah Abrams, Ottawa Catholic School Board
Toronto Region - Tina Brochu, Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir
Northwest (Thunder Bay) Region - Tamara McLean, Rainy River District School Board 
Toronto Region - Liliana Mavrogiannis, Toronto Catholic District School Board

The Olive Diefenbaker Award of Merit 
Jennifer Boston, Peel District School Board
Diane Pounall-King, Peel District School Board

Nomination forms for both Student and Guidance Teacher-Counsellor awards for 2025 will be open soon on  Educators are strongly encouraged to nominate early in meeting deadlines for consideration! In the meantime, feel free to use the following links to act early!

Anthony DiLena Student Awards
Guidance and Career Education Awards (including the Olive Diefenbaker Award, available for distribution throughout the school year)