Featured Highlights

OSCA/ ACOSO 2024-2025 Subscription Renewals are now OPEN!

Subscription renewals are now open to 2024-2025! The time to renew is NOW, so you may take advantage of the discounted price for the fall OSCA conference, November 3-4. Included with a one year subscription is the weekly OSCA News: stay up to date with all things guidance and career education, OSCA Today: the professional magazine of the association delivered online and hard copy, a free copy of ethical guidelines, many online resources on the the OSCA website, a fall conference celebrating 60 years of Guidance and Career Education in Ontario and a monthly webinar series. This year over 1,000 registrations participated, in 11 webinars.

Subscriptions may be renewed by going to the OSCA website- subscribe now sectionBefore you renew your subscription, please check with your Board of Education to see if they have purchased or plan to purchase bulk subscriptions with OSCA for 2024-2025. If so, you will need to obtain the payment by pass code to be used and applied at the time of renewing a subscription.

Additional Qualifications (AQ) Courses: Guidance and Career Education

Fall session now taking registrations!     

Fall session: October 7 to December 6       

Delivery: Virtually 

Instructor: Current Guidance-Teacher Counsellor

Registration deadline: Monday, September 23.

OSCA-ACOSO is pleased to announce that they will continue to offer Part 1, Part 2 and the Specialist in Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualifications courses this fall. Additional sessions will take place in the winter, spring and summer. Advantages of taking the course with OSCA are the instructor is a current guidance counsellor, a one year OSCA subscription is included ($55 value if currently not active) and a downloaded copy of Ethical Guidelines ($25) is included. As part of the OSCA subscription, you have the opportunity to attend the fall conference at a member rate, gain access to webinars throughout the year on topics related to guidance and career education, receive the weekly OSCA News to keep up to date with guidance/career topics, and receive the tri-annual OSCA Today, the professional magazine of the association.

Cost: $675 plus HST.

To register: www.osca.ca --> Next AQ course

OSCA/ACOSO needs YOU!    Board of Directors Nominations are now OPEN!

Do you enjoy being on the cutting edge of guidance and career education and wish to contribute to your professional association? Then joining the OSCA Board of Directors is for you! If you are new to the role or a seasoned veteran, everyone benefits from being a director. Past directors say that being on the OSCA board was the BEST professional learning they had while serving on the board for the guidance community. There are many places to be involved in where one may enjoy organizing the annual conference, collaborating to put together the OSCA Today magazine, or managing the student pathway awards and much more. For further information, please contact Lisa Butera-Fracassi, OSCA/ACOSO President fracassilisa267@ gmail.com.

The Board looks forward to seeing YOU!

* 35 Workshops (English and French options each session)
Skilled Trades - Future Labour Market Trends - Career Highlights (AI, CPA, GIS, Agriculture)- AI in Guidance - Ministry of Education Updates - Post-Secondary Planning and Organizations - Colleges - Universities - Apprenticeships - Applying to US/UK Post-Secondary Schools - Elementary Career Learning - Elementary to Post-Secondary Transitions - School Mental Health - Conflict and Bullying Resolution - Brain/Body/Behaviour - Success Strategies - Anti-Oppressive Practices - Neurographia - Controlling Chaos - Navigating Change 

* 65 Partner Organizations (English and French)

* Keynotes: 

   Sandra Nagy, Managing Director (Future Design School)

   Natasha Ferguson, CEO (Ethelfox Construct Group)

* Celebrate our 60th Anniversary (Wine and Cheese, Banquet) 

Now is the time to nominate a deserving colleague for an OSCA award. Perhaps it is that person who has created a great resource that has allowed students to create their own pathway? Maybe you know a Guidance Counsellor who is the "go to" person at your school? Perhaps a deserving community partner that provides excellent support for your school?

You have until September 26, 2024 at 4:00 PM. to nominate someone, but why not do it now?

Chacun et chacune de nous connaît un collègue innovateur, qui accomplit avec enthousiasme son travail auprès des élèves de son école. Pourquoi ne pas reconnaître leur contribution à notre profession en posant leur candidature à l’un des prix de l’ACOSO? Pour poser la candidature de quelqu’un, appuyez sur le lien de la mise en candidature.

Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être soumises en ligne d’ici le 26 septembre 2024 à 4h.


The Legalities of Professional Notetaking 
Tuesday, September 24 at 10:00 AM

Kick off the school year by joining OSCA and Malcolm Scott from the Ontario School Board Insurance Exchange on Tuesday, September 24, for a webinar on the legalities of professional note-taking, tailored to Guidance Teacher-Counsellors in school settings. This 60-minute session will be especially important for those who are new to the role of school counselling, and a vital refresher for those who already have experience in the role.

There are situations where a Guidance Counsellor may be required to share the notes they make when counselling students. For example, if a student is a plaintiff in a lawsuit, their medical, employment, and educational records are evidence. Guidance counsellors in the current education climate provide more than just academic guidance, and because of their relationship with students, their records may be relevant to the lawsuit. This webinar will provide an overview of the legal requirements for note taking, how the records can be accessed and disclosed, as well as best practices. Register Here!

Your Students Belong Here
Centennial College®
Over the past 55 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution. We have established a unique position in the marketplace locally and around the world – work we are confident has led to our #1 ranking in the Greater Toronto Area for graduate satisfaction. Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of services and supports to ensure students will not only succeed, but truly thrive.
Learn how we can help your students.

As a guidance counselor, you're on the front lines of supporting students, but with the increasing impact of social media on mental health, the challenges are mounting. Students are facing anxiety, low self-esteem, and body image issues—all exacerbated by their online interactions.

These issues don't just affect students' mental well-being, they can also lead to declining academic performance and strained relationships, leaving you with more to juggle. The pressure is on you to address these deep-seated problems, but with limited time and resources, how can you possibly tackle it all?

We, Dr. Bisleen Attli, ND, and Dr. Tara Rawana, ND, founders of All About Mental Empowerment, are here to help. With our extensive expertise in naturopathic medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy, we have successfully worked with over 25,000 students to enhance their well-being.

Now, we're offering a complimentary workshop, "Navigating the Online Universe: A Social Media Mastery Workshop for Students," to schools we haven't yet partnered with. This workshop equips students with the tools they need to build a healthier relationship with social media, focusing on safety, thoughtful content sharing, and protecting their self-esteem.

Don't let these issues continue to overwhelm you and your students. Schedule a meeting with us HERE to bring this impactful support to your school.

One of the Loran Foundation’s first scholars, who later led the foundation for 13 years, credits her guidance counsellor for opening doors after insisting that she apply for the Loran Award. We hear time and again from scholars who only applied for the award after a teacher or counsellor prompted them to.

Loran is a national charity that identifies and empowers exceptional youth in Canada who demonstrate character, a commitment to service, and intrinsic leadership potential. We select 36 students from more than 5,000 applicants each year to become Loran Scholars—embarking on a four-year, comprehensive leadership enrichment program with renewable funding—applications for the 2025 award open September 6 and close October 15.

We know engaging and supporting students, particularly under-represented students, in the scholarship process can be challenging, and we are here to help. Would it be possible for us to contribute a timely, informational article about the Loran Award to your newsletter or online publication this fall?

Educators are integral to our mission. You play a crucial role in creating opportunities for students to hear about scholarships and helping promising students apply when our applications open in the fall. We would love your support in engaging and uplifting the next generation of leaders from Ontario, and we want to help you help them apply!
St. Clair College
UNIC Medical School
Post Secondary Information

Thanks to feedback from our Guidance community, we are excited to announce the launch of the new Guidance website!

Have a look around – we’ve aimed to create a more informative and user-friendly website that includes:

Easier navigation
Better content organization
A modern and mobile-friendly look and layout
Frequently visited links that are easier to find on the home page, including:
The COLS login
The New COLS User Guide
Grades Collection
Key dates and reminders
Documents to share with students

We hope you enjoy our new look!

Questions or comments? Email OUAC Communications and Events.

Grâce aux rétroactions reçues de la communauté d’Orientation, nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement du nouveau site Web Orientation!

Jetez-y un coup d’œil – nous avons voulu créer un site Web plus informatif et plus convivial, y compris :

Une navigation plus facile
Une meilleure organisation du contenu
Une présentation moderne et adaptée aux appareils mobiles
Des liens fréquemment consultés plus faciles à trouver dans la page d’accueil, y compris les suivants :
Page de connexion à COLS
Nouveau Guide d’utilisation de COLS
Collecte de notes
Dates importantes et rappels
Documents à partager avec les élèves

Nous espérons que vous apprécierez notre nouveau look!

Des questions ou des commentaires? Envoyez un courriel au département des communications et événements de l’OUAC.

Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF)
The OUF is coming up. Make sure your students attend!

The OUF gathers Ontario’s universities in 1 place. It's a once-a-year, free event where attendees can talk directly with university representatives.

The OUF takes place October 5-6, 2024, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, daily, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in the South Building. Admission is free.

Note: There is a multi-faith space available in Room 803A. This space is open to everyone during OUF hours regardless of faith, religion, gender, etc.

More about the OUF.


Ontario Universities' Regional Fairs
Ontario's universities are visiting a city near you! They are great opportunities for your students to speak directly with university representatives and research their Ontario university options.

Events will run from September 16 to October 17.

More about the Regional Fairs.


Get Your Students to Sign Up for the OUF and Regional Fairs with an Ontario Universities’ Events Pass (OUEvents Pass)
We strongly encourage students to save time by signing up for their OUEvents Pass in advance.


Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions
Encourage your students to attend the Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions virtual events! 
Virtual Event Dates:

  • September 25, 5-7 pm (ET)
  • November 21, 5-7 pm (ET)

Both events will be divided up into four 30-minute sessions, where students can learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions. These events are a great opportunity to get answers about programs, admission requirements, student life and much more.

Some universities will offer presentations in French.

Get your students to sign up now for the Information Sessions virtual events.

Note: For privacy reasons, students must sign themselves up for events. Do not sign up for any events on behalf of your students.

More Information

Visit the Ontario Universities’ Events website.
View our FAQs for answers to common questions.
Email us if you have any questions.

Foire des universités de l’Ontario (FUO)
La FUO arrive à grands pas. Assurez-vous que vos élèves y seront!

La FUO réunit les universités de l’Ontario en 1 seul endroit. Il s’agit d’un événement annuel gratuit qui permet aux participantes et participants de s’entretenir directement avec des représentantes et représentants des universités.

La FUO aura lieu les 5 et 6 octobre 2024, à l’Édifice Sud du Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain, de 9 h 30 à 17 h. L’entrée est libre.

Nota : Un espace multiconfessionnel est prévu à la salle 803A. Cet espace est accessible à toutes et à tous lors des heures d’ouverture de la FUO, et ce, dans distinction de foi, de religion, de genre, etc.

Plus d’info au sujet de la FUO.

Foires régionales des universités de l’Ontario
Les universités de l’Ontario visiteront bientôt une ville près de chez vous! Voilà une occasion unique pour vos élèves de parler en personne à des représentantes et représentants des universités de l’Ontario et de rechercher leurs options universitaires.

Les événements se tiendront du 16 septembre au 17 octobre.

Plus d’info au sujet des Foires régionales.

Encouragez vos élèves à s’inscrire à la FUO et aux Foires régionales avec un Passe pour les événements des universités de l’Ontario (Passe Événements-UO)
Nous encourageons vivement les élèves à gagner du temps en s’inscrivant à l’avance pour recevoir leur Passe Événements-UO.

Séances d’information des universités de l’Ontario
Veuillez encourager vos élèves à prendre part aux événements virtuels des Séances d’information des universités de l’Ontario!

Dates des événements virtuels :

  • 25 septembre, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)
  • 21 novembre, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)

Les deux événements se diviseront en 4 séances de 30 minutes chacune, au cours desquelles les élèves pourront en apprendre sur les universités de leur choix et poser des questions. Ces événements représentent une excellente occasion d’obtenir des réponses sur les programmes, les exigences d’admission, la vie étudiante et plus encore.

Certaines universités offriront des présentations en français.

Encouragez vos élèves à s’inscrire dès maintenant aux événements virtuels des Séances d’information.

Nota : Pour des raisons de protection de la vie privée, les élèves doivent elles-mêmes et eux-mêmes s’inscrire à ces événements. Prière de ne pas vous inscrire à ces événements au nom de vos élèves.

Plus d’information

Visiter le site Web des Événements des universités de l’Ontario.
Consulter notre FAQ pour obtenir des réponses aux questions courantes.
Prière de nous contacter par courriel si vous avez des questions.

Date: Tuesday, September 24 from 10am - 11am ET
Where: Microsoft Teams (session will be recorded and sent to all registrants)

From September - November 2024, the Waterloo Engineering admissions & recruitment team will host webinars covering everything you need to know about applying to Engineering at the University of Waterloo! Presenters will include the Director or Associate Director of Admissions, as well as current students who have been through the admissions process themselves.

The session on Tuesday, September 24 from 10am - 11am ET is for guidance counsellors/advisors who will be supporting students through the Engineering and/or Mathematics undergraduate application process. We will discuss admission processes and changes this year as well as highlight some important deadlines for your students.

If you are unable to attend the live session, a recording will be sent to all registrants as well as posted to our Engineering YouTube channel following the webinar.

OUInfo is the only resource that is updated directly by the Ontario universities, making it a reliable one-stop shop for information.
Find and compare Ontario university programs, and research residences, scholarships, admission requirements and more.
Be sure to check out these new pages:

Universities update OUInfo throughout the year, so remember to check back regularly.
All the best in the new school year!

When you’re transitioning into college, it’s important to learn the ins and outs of your new school. The college’s social media pages have lots of regularly updated content, making it easy for students to become a part of their college community!

Next time you’re online, check out your college’s social media platforms!
Ed Bryant is remembered as founder of the Unilock Group of Companies and the pioneer who first established a paver manufacturing site in North America in 1972. His passion, collaboration and innovative spirit brought an ecosystem of partners together to kick-start the hardscaping industry - Manufacturers, Dealers, Architects, Installers, and Sales Teams – all working to pave the way forward in a completely undefined space. Ed’s vision of building the industry in a way that benefits many drives us to continue to invest in the communities to which we belong.

The Unilock Paving the Future Scholarship commemorates Ed’s legacy by investing in a new generation of landscape design, architecture, and construction leaders. This scholarship program recognizes students in their final year of study who are active members in their community and demonstrate an ambition of being a thought leader in the landscaping industry of tomorrow.

Dear Educator,

I am very excited to introduce The Collection Y.E.O. to you!

The Collection is a website resource that showcases over 100 enrichment opportunities available to high school students across Canada. The website provides links, dates, eligibility requirements and more information about each opportunity.

As a keen high school student myself I know how difficult it is to find quality opportunities outside of the traditional classroom. My hope is that students can use The Collection to find opportunities that spark fosters learning, enrichment, and community involvement.

The website is: collectionyeo.com and is cost free for users.

I would be very grateful if you would share The Collection across your community. There
are many different ways to direct your students to the website:

  • Physically you can hang our poster in your classroom for students to see. We also have a handout of our top 10 opportunities for you to provide to your students.
  • For promotion via your website, newsletter or social media we also have materials for you to use.

I hope that your students and educational community will benefit from our website!

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments or advice!

Ray-Ray Gingras
Ray-Ray Gingras | Grade 11 High School Student
Founder & President;
The Collection | Youth Enrichment Opportunities

Fostering Success & Opportunities – Laurentian University
Laurentian University®
A bilingual university with a tricultural mandate that enriches the learning experience and leads to solid career outcomes – that’s the Laurentian promise. Consistently ranked as a leader in graduate employment outcomes, Laurentian’s exceptional prof to student ratio accounts for a personalized student experience that fosters individual success. Students thrive here as they explore the many possibilities their studies and passion can lead to.
Learn More

This fall, take the opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge as a career development professional. The following courses cover a range of topics including work-integrated learning, disability management, ethics and Indigenous employment.

On-demand courses are also available from BCCDA, NCDA, NSCDA, ACSESS and VOCO. This roundup is not intended to capture courses requiring prior registration in a certificate or master’s program.

Read about the courses here!

Cambrian College
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Upcoming Events
Sep 2024
10 AM
Sep 2024
5 - 7 PM
Sep 2024
Applications Due!