Featured Highlights

This week on our website, you will find that we have posted the survey "The Role of the Guidance Counsellor." Although we know many of our members recieved a hard copy of this survey at our annual conference in 2018, we wanted you to have access to the most up-to-date versions.

Guidance and Career Education was also highlighted in the Toronto Star this week, with a focus on the increasing needs we face and the push for more professional development in the areas of mental health and well-being. As you review the survey again, we invite you to share this with the guidance communities in your schools and boards, and with your local communities like your local MPP''s office. With the recent news regarding more and more cuts to education in Ontario, we want to highlight the importance of our roles and how these cuts can affect students directly. 

Although we cannot foresee what the Fall will potentially look like in our schools, we know that any cuts to education affect students first. Cuts hurt kids and our voices should be heard. Please share your thoughts, comments, or concerns with us at OSCA/ACOSO. We value each and every one of you!

Click here for the survey in English    Click here for the survey in French

As guidance counsellors, students come to us to ask for information regarding life decisions. University Dialogues and College Dialogues help us to educate our students about those choices. But what about a Gap Year? When a student asks you about a Gap Year, what will you tell them? 

Discover Year, The Canadian Gap Association and International Experience Canada have joined forces to offer a series of free information sessions on developing and executing a purposeful Gap Year for positive career and education transitions - coming to Ottawa and the GTA in Apri

Each city will host 2 events - one for career professionals and one for families. 

Click here to learn more and to register.

We hope to see you there!


Gap Year. Many people talk about it, but what does it mean? How do parents and students find out enough information to ensure that their Gap Year is both informed and rewarding? 

How do students find out how they can benefit from real-life experiences, and an amazing network of mentors who help train students in essential life and career skills like communication, time management, responsibility and empathy? 

Discover Year, The Canadian Gap Association and International Experience Canada have joined forces to offer a series of free information sessions on developing and executing a purposeful Gap Year for positive career and education transitions - coming to Ottawa and the GTA in April. Each city will host 2 events - one for career professionals and one for families. 

Click here to learn more and to register.



Ontario Universities'' Fair (OUF): September 27-29, 2019
The OUF is the only event where you can see all 21 Ontario universities in 1 place! It''s a once-a-year, free event where attendees can speak directly with university faculty and representatives. The OUF takes place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Admission is free.

For more information, click here.


La FUO est le seul événement où l’on retrouve les 21 universités de l’Ontario en 1 seul endroit. Il s’agit d’une activité annuelle gratuite qui permet aux participants de s’entretenir directement avec des professeurs et des représentants des universités. La FUO aura lieu au Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain. L’entrée est gratuite.

Pour plus d’information visitez note site Web foire.ouf.ca


If you can’t attend the OUF, you can still research Ontario’s 21 universities at a UIP event in the fall. After the OUF, the UIP travels across Ontario, offering fair-style events in most Ontario regions.

The complete UIP schedule will be available on the OUF website in summer 2019.

Note: This year, the UIP will also receive a new name and branding to be more consistent with the COU''s updated branding as well as the Ontario university community. The University Information Program (UIP) will become the Ontario Universities'' Regional Fairs (OURF). You will see fresh, updated branding and a new logo for the event, starting with a new website in spring 2019.


Si vous ne pouvez pas prendre part à la FUO, vous pourrez toujours en apprendre davantage sur les universités lors d’un événement de la Tournée universitaire.Après la FUO, la Tournée se déplace à la grandeur de la province et propose des activités de type « foire » dans la plupart des régions de l’Ontario.

L’horaire complet de la Tournée sera disponible sur le site Web de la FUO à l’été 2019.


Inspire Students About Careers In Agriculture
AgScape Teacher Ambassadors offer FREE classroom lessons for students in Grades 7 – 12. All Teacher Ambassadors are Ontario-certified teachers trained in agriculture education. They teach students about the career opportunities in agriculture and food through interactive, engaging programs aligned with the Ontario curriculum. FREE online educational resources are also available for Grades 1 – 12 at AgScape.ca.
Book a Teacher Ambassador Today!
Post Secondary Information

In Memory of Ron McDermott, this award is presented to a student pursuing post-secondary vocational training through a recognized post-secondary institution or program such as a community college, private, apprenticeship, trade or university program. Value: $2,500

This Award is open to local youth to provide assistance for further training / education in a recognized occupation, vocation or skilled trade. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and a strong desire to move forward. Value: $2,500 each for 2 awards.

Open to local high school student athletes to provide assistance with training costs for enrollment in sports-related training programs beyond high school. Value: $2,500 each for 2 awards.

Presented by the Rotary Club Burlington Lakeshore Charitable Foundation to students demonstrating leadership and organizational skills in school and community, a history of academic excellence and are pursuing or planning to pursue a post-secondary Degree. Value: $2,500 each for 6 awards.


Applicants should demonstrate a history of academic success, leadership and organizational abilities in school or the community

  • The Fine Arts Award in honour of Leon and Betty Laron is presented to a student pursuing or
    planning to pursue either a degree or non-degree post-secondary program in Visual Arts, Performing
    Arts or Arts Therapy Program. Value: $2,500
  • The International studies Award in memory of Kan Nakazawa is presented to a student pursuing or planning to pursue a degree program in studies with an international focus and / or which leads to an international professional career. Value: $2,500
  • The Educational Studies Award in memory of Bev Bowra is presented to a student pursuing or planning to pursue studies leading to a career as a teacher, educational administrator or educational assistant. Value: $2,500

The supply of skilled labour has fundamental impacts on the provision of housing. The inadequate number of new entrants into the skilled construction trades is a major problem. For context, BuildForce
Canada has been monitoring the Canadian construction sector since 2001, providing labour market information (LMI) on the broader construction and residential construction sector. Its most recent report predicted between 2019 and 2028, there will be 91,100 skilled construction workers retiring in Ontario alone, with 50,800 of those coming in the residential sector.

Read the complete article here.



There are crucial challenges in recruiting young people to skilled construction trades and related jobs. Many of these occupations are facing existing and projected increasing shortages of new entrants. The amount of these shortages will vary among the seven sectors comprising the construction industry depending on the health of the economy, demographic shifts including immigration, and government policy. Yet the inadequate supply of new entrants to skilled construction work is a structural trend that is projected to continue well into the next decade. Skilled trades and other labour shortages in Ontario’s construction industry are in part a function of the amount and pace of retirements in this sector. However, they also result from too few young people entering these skilled jobs, despite compensation that ranges from above average to very attractive, and high satisfaction in these occupations.

Read the complete article here

RESCON is Ontario''s leading association of residential builders committed to providing leadership and fostering innovation in the industry.
You''re Invited! Ryerson University''s Teacher & Guidance Counsellor Day

Thursday, April 4, 2019
Nipissing University: Right where you belong
Nipissing University
Nipissing University is a young university with a wide-range of Arts, Science, Professional and Graduate-level programs. Our focus is on student success and we rank 1st in Ontario in student satisfaction and in the top 5 universities in Canada for student services, residences, student life, mental health services and sexual assault prevention. Come for a visit and see why you belong at Nipissing University.
Visit us

The US College Expo Counsellor day is a great networking event for counsellors, coaches and athletic directors. This event highlights many keynote speakers and promises time to learn from a US College Admission Panel discussion and to network with college representatives and other counsellors over lunch. There will be an exhibit from many colleges as well. 

To register, click here


A one-day event in four cities across Canada.
Connect in person with US college representatives. Explore US college options!
Listen and learn from guest speakers.
Understand all aspects of the US admissions process, from selection, application, financing and student athlete considerations!

Are you a student or parent that is considering US educational options?

This event promises to support students and families considering a US College education option. 

Please join us for this unique, once-a-year event! 

To learn more, and to register, click here. 

Subscribers' Lounge
Read the article here.
Upcoming Events
Apr 2019
Registration now open. Begins April 2, 2019.
Apr 2019
Registration now open. First session is April 4, 2019.
Apr 2019
Registration now open. Event is one day only on April 12th so register today!
Apr 2019
Registration now open. Next session April 24, 2019.
Apr 2019
Registration now open. Next session April 29, 2019.