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Thank-you to everyone that has registered for the conference! The conference is now SOLD OUT! If you wish to be put on the waiting list, please email the OSCA desk at Please state your name, if it is for the full two day conference or one day (which day) and if you are a subscription member or not. If cancellations occur, you will be contacted. Thank you to all who have registered to help make this a grand beginning to new traditions. We look forward to seeing you all soon! Stay in touch with OSCA. All 2018-2019 subscriptions have now expired as of September 30th.Continue to receive the OSCA News delivered to your mailbox once a week, receive the OSCA Today magazine three times a year, receive yearly conference discounts, and your own copy of Ethical Guidelines available through the website subscribers lounge. Benefit from networking, fruitful partnerships and first hand news, such as the "2018 Role of the Guidance Teacher Counsellor" survey. Early discounted rates to this year's conference were available to those that had renewed their subscriptions for 2019-2020, so renewing now means that you'll be prepared for next year's conference. If you are an individual wishing to renew or start a subscription, please go to: for more information. If you are a board lead and wish to purchase a board bulk subscriptions, please email the OSCA office at
Post Secondary Information
Be a part of what makes OSCA/ACOSO great! As a member of OSCA, you have the right to vote and help make decisions that govern this board. Join us for our Annual General Meeting on Thursday October 17th, at 4:30pm. The AGM occurs every year at our annual conference. This year, within our new facility, it will be held in the CCT Building at the University of Toronto, Mississauga. Details will also be given at the conference. You are a part of what makes OSCA great! Please attend the AGM and let your voice be heard. Are you a person who wants to be involved in the future of guidance in Ontario? Perhaps you’re a person who likes volunteerism and teamwork. Please consider becoming a member of the OSCA/ACOSO Board of Directors for 2019-2010. Several of the board members have terms that expire this year which means that there are several positions available for new members. For more information please attend the AGM at the conference on Thursday, October 17 at 4:15pm and visit our website. Details will be given at the AGM for the nomination timing and process. Course dates are October 7 to December 16, 2019 Cost: $650. Please visit OSCA's website to register at It's time for everyone to dig out their loonies and toonies and bring their money to the conference! OSCA will be helping to raise funds at this year's conference for the OSCA/ACOSO Tony DiLena Student Pathway Awards. A 50/50 draw will be taking place at the conference each day. The winner will be announced at each lunch. Tickets will be available at the registration table. This year, four awards were given to 4 deserving students. Please join us in congratulating the 4 recipients of the OSCA/ACOSO Tony DiLena Student Pathway Awards for the 2018-2019 school year. Resources
Date: October 26, 2019 | 8:30am - 4:30pm EDT Place: The Design Exchange: Canada’s Design Museum, 234 Bay Street, Toronto, ON Registration: Website: Webinar #2 Developmentally Aligned Career Programming for PK-12 Students: The Conceptions of the Career Choice and Attainment Model
Future Further provides information about supports and services for Indigenous students interested in, or already attending, an Ontario university.
Students can find information about:
Future Further also features videos of Indigenous role models who have achieved success in postsecondary education in Ontario. Students can learn about how to connect with Indigenous university representatives in a city near them. Visit
(Nota : Il s'agit d'une ressource offerte en anglais seulement.)
Le site « Future Further » fournit de l'information sur les soutiens et services offerts aux étudiantes et étudiants autochtones intéressés à fréquenter ? ou fréquentant déjà ? une université de l''Ontario.
L''on y trouvera des renseignements sur :
Le site « Future Further » comprend également des vidéos de modèles autochtones ayant connu des succès dans leurs études postsecondaires en Ontario. Les étudiantes et étudiants peuvent savoir comment joindre une représentante ou un représentant autochtone d''une université dans une ville près de chez eux.
Rendez-vous au site
Oct 2019 |
More details coming next week
Oct 2019 |
Now's the time to renew your subscription and don't let your membership lapse. Review the website for all member benefits, including a reduced registration rate at Conference 2019!