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  Call for Proposals         Appel à propositions

OSCA/ACOSO 2020 celebrates 56 years of leading the way in Guidance and Career Education

in Ontario. Help students to embrace the uncertainty of the future by exploring the offerings of

today. Join us as we Look Back to the Future... The Future is Now! Take learning back to

your schools to help students gain knowledge, develop skills, and build confidence as they plan

for their personal and professional lives. We are seeking presentation proposals that will focus

on one of the sub-themes that will provide our members with the highest quality professional

development. Inspired by this year’s conference theme, Look Back to the Future… The

Future is Now! , will focus one day each on the sub themes; Wellness and Future Pathways.

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Degrees with Hands-on Experience, Theory and Co-op
Take the hands-on learning of a college, add the theoretical style of a university, mix it with real-life experience, and you have an Algonquin College’s Bachelor's degree with a paid co-op placement. Algonquin College offers a variety of Honours Bachelor's degrees with Co-op ranging from commerce to robotics, building science to interior design – so there’s something for everyone.
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2020 College Expo - Ottawa

2020 U.S. College Expo Toronto: Counsellor Day

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Study Across The Pond
Post Secondary Information
Saturday, March 21, 2019

This is an event you won't want to miss! Visit Ryerson's distinctly urban campus for the chance to tour our campus and facilities, chat with future professors, current students and more! See for yourself what makes Ryerson Canada's leading university for innovation and career relevant learning. Learn more and register today!
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Join us on campus for Ryerson’s bi-annual Teacher and Guidance Counsellor Day. Visit our distinctly urban campus for a day of professional development and learn what makes Ryerson unique. Enjoy a hot breakfast, receive admission updates, and network with fellow education professionals. Learn more and register today!

Ontario Combatting Bullying in Schools through Student Survey
New initiative aimed at improving student safety and wellbeing

February 26, 2020 9:30 A.M. | Ministry of Education

TORONTO — Today, on Pink Shirt Day, Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced the launch of an online survey to hear from students, parents and guardians and school staff about their experiences with bullying in Ontario schools. 

According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 21% of Ontario students in Grades 7-12 have reported being bullied at school. This new survey seeks to gain a better understanding of the issue, ideas on how to better prevent and report bullying and new ways to make schools safer.

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Ontario Preparing People for Skilled Trades Careers in Thunder Bay
Government Investing in Anishinabek Employment and Training Services Centre and Supercom Industries Skills Training Programs



THUNDER BAY - Ontario is addressing a looming skilled trades shortage by investing in training for Indigenous people in the Thunder Bay area. The Province announced funding of nearly $2 million today for two separate projects.

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OSCA will once again be offering the additional qualification courses in Guidance and Career Education this spring and summer. Parts 1, 2, and 3 (Specialist) will be offered, pending enrollment.

Spring session: April 20th to June 15th
Summer Session: July 6th to July 31st.

Cost: $650
No textbook
Course is entirely online, within an online classroom format. The course is taught by a current Guidance Counsellor that works in a school setting.

Register by following the link below.

Free webinar with authors of Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development



Career development is rarely part of mental health discussions, yet it can be a key pillar in the support and promotion of positive mental health. A free webinar – Your Impact on Mental Health: How Your Career Development Practice Promotes Client Mental Health – will be offered on Friday, April 3, 2020 to further explore the key learnings based on the recently launched CERIC book Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide. This webinar will be led by the co-authors of the book, Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston.

Client/student mental health predictably improves as a result of career development. In this one-hour webinar, the authors will summarize the broad ranging effects of career development and their associated mental health benefits. They will also review some of the mechanisms underlying career development’s role in mental health and describe how, by adjusting one’s intentions, these positive mental health outcomes can be achieved more effectively in your career development practice.

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Paragon Testing Enterprises
Study Across The Pond
Subscribers' Lounge

OSCA/ACOSO Guidance and Career Education Awards 2020

Awards are now open for nominations!


Curriculum and Resources

**The Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to the career development of young people through the creation, development and delivery of high quality Guidance and Career Education Resources.

Counsellor Professional Development

**The Russ Seltzer Award for Contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario - presented to honour contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario, including teaching Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualification courses.

**The Howard R. Beattie Award for Contribution to Counsellor Professional Development - presented to a counsellor who has created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and the organization of a conference or guidance professional development activities.

Elementary Guidance

**The Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to elementary guidance in Ontario.

Peer Helping

**The Daryl L. Cook Peer Helping Award - presented to one elementary and/or one secondary school in Ontario in recognition of its exemplary peer helping program.

Contribution to Guidance and Career Education

**The Career/LifeSkills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to career development. This award is presented by Career/Lifeskills Resources (www.career-lifeskills.com).

**The Certificate of Appreciation - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario by individuals/groups who are community partners.

**The Phil Hedges Award - presented to recognize the contributions to Guidance and Career Education by dedicated counsellors in the Province of Ontario. An award will be given to one qualifying nominee from each of the six educational regions in the province, or up to a maximum of six qualifying nominees from across the province. **Please refer to http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/offices.html to determine which region each school board is included in.

**The Morgan D. Parmenter Memorial Award - presented to recognizes a person who has made a most significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario.

Nomination Form


Contribution to Guidance and Career Education

When to Apply
Nominations for this certificate may be accepted all year long.

The Award of Merit was first presented in the spring of 1972. In 1977 the OSCA Board of Directors passed a resolution to rename this award The Olive Diefenbaker Award of Merit to honour the late Mrs. Diefenbaker''s contribution to Guidance and Counselling in the Province of Ontario. The first awards were presented by her daughter during the 1977 Annual Conference at Niagara Falls in November. The citation on The Olive Diefenbaker Award of Merit reads: "In recognition of long and dedicated service to guidance and counselling in the Province of Ontario"

This award is to recognize retiring individuals who have made a contribution to the Counselling and Guidance Profession in Ontario

This award may be presented to teacher-counsellors, teachers, administrators, trustees and/or members of the community

An OSCA member must nominate the retiree

The nominee should:

  • Be retiring
  • Have been involved in Guidance and Career Education in Ontario for a minimum of five years.
  • Have demonstrated leadership in guidance through active participation in professional development, counsellor education, administrative support, promotion of guidance, professional writing, research, or in contributing to professional guidance and counselling organizations.

The awards will be mailed to the nominator for presentation by the nominator or by another OSCA member appointed by the nominator. These awards are often presented at retirement functions rather than the Awards Banquet. However, the names of the recipients of The Olive Diefenbaker Awards may be noted in the official program of the OSCA Conference.


  • Nominations for this award must be submitted by an OSCA member
  • Nominations should be received six weeks in advance of the presentation date in order for sufficient timing for certificate arrival .

Nominate a retiring colleague. 

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Roy Thompson Hall