Featured Highlights

Mediaplanet's Youth Wellness & Empowerment Campaign

Help equip the children, teens, and youths in your life with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive and stay on top of their health, education, and employment.

We recently took part in @mediaplanetCA's Youth Wellness & Empowerment campaign in order to educate on the importance role a guidance counsellor can play in your decisions post high school graduation. To read the full article, click here: What’s After High School? A Guidance Counsellor Can Help.

For the digital launch, you’ll find the digital campaign landing page here: Youth Wellness and Empowerment Campaign

Here, you'll find a number of resources for supporting and empowering youth.

Degrees with Hands-on Experience, Theory and Co-op
Take the hands-on learning of a college, add the theoretical style of a university, mix it with real-life experience, and you have an Algonquin College’s Bachelor's degree with a paid co-op placement. Algonquin College offers a variety of Honours Bachelor's degrees with Co-op ranging from commerce to robotics, building science to interior design – so there’s something for everyone.
Learn More
We hope that you, your families and colleagues are safe and healthy.

Planning for the Cannexus National Career Development Conference, in January 2021, remains underway at this point with all necessary precautions and contingencies. At this point, CERIC invites individuals or organizations with an interest in presenting at Cannexus21 to submit a proposal.
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Centennial College
Post Secondary Information

Thank you for the great work you do in supporting your students during this unprecedented time. As the situation continues to change, we will update our COVID-19 website for undergraduate applicants. We encourage students to continue to monitor their Choose>Ryerson applicant portal as well as our website for important information and updates.
Students are understandably concerned that many college and university campus tours have been cancelled as a result of COVID-19. Choosing which school to attend is a huge decision and campus tours are one of the best tools to help.
Many schools are getting creative by switching to virtual tours to help students explore their campuses and get their questions answered. We’re going through every province and territory to find all of these tours and additional resources and put them in front of you.

The Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) provides financial support to post-secondary students, and recent post-secondary and high school graduates who are unable to find work due to COVID-19.

This benefit is for students who do not qualify for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) or Employment Insurance (EI).
The Every Teacher Project is a national research study that was carried out by the University of Winnipeg in partnership with the Manitoba Teachers Society (MTS). Every teacher organization in Canada assisted the researchers and project partners in getting the word out about the initial online survey, where over 3,400 teachers from across Canada participated in the largest study to date worldwide on teachers' perspectives on LGBTQ-inclusive education.

Here are some Canadian organizations accepting donations
Please consider donating to one or more of these groups if you have the financial means

Justice for Regis Fundraiser

Justice for Regis  

 "On May 27th  2020, my sister Regis Korchinski Paquet, tragically lost her life, she was so special and meant the world to us. She was kind, beautiful and she will be missed beyond belief. We are asking the public to help with meeting are goal to get the proper justice we need."

Donate here



Black Lives Matter- Toronto

  BLM Toronto


To be a platform upon which black communities across Toronto can actively dismantle all forms of anti-black racism, liberate blackness, support black healing, affirm black existence, and create freedom to love and self- determine.


To forge critical connections and to work in solidarity with black communities, black-centric networks, solidarity movements, and allies in order to to dismantle all forms of state-sanctioned oppression, violence, and brutality committed against African, Caribbean, and Black cis, queer, trans, and disabled populations in Toronto.

Donate here


Black Lives Matter Waterloo Region - Community Solidarity Fund

BLM Waterloo  

The Black Community Solidarity Fund is a way that the local Waterloo Region community can provide support to meet some of the urgent needs being communicated by urban organizers in North America who have responded with direct action to the most recent incidents of anti-Black police brutality and violence. The Black Solidarity Community Fund is also a way for the local community to provide support to ongoing Black-led anti-racist community care projects and organizations in the Waterloo Region.  

Funds raised will support the following initiatives: 


Local Initiatives  

Funds raised will provide support to ongoing under-resourced Black-led student, and youth focused anti-racist initiatives in the Waterloo Region including:

Young City Growers 
Africa Camp 
Local Post-Secondary Black Student Associations
Local Secondary Black Student Associations 

Funds raised will provide support to the following Black-led community care initiatives in the Waterloo Region: 

Woke Women and Woke Men 
African Community Wellness Initiative - Afrocentric Counselling Services 
Bring on the Sunshine Waterloo Region 

International Initiatives (20%)

Funds raised will provide on the ground support to organizers and activists in the Minnesota and Louisville through the following initiatives: 

Minnesota Freedom Fund 

Louisville Community Bail Fund

African  Community Wellness Initiative will be providing oversight to the management and deployment of funds.  

Donate here


Black Health Alliance (Canada)

  Black Health Alliance Canada
  Black Health Alliance Canada

We take on the key issues that impact Black communities in Canada through:

  • Systems Change
  • Health Promotion
  • Research and Public Policy
  • Convening, Collaboration and Capacity Building
  • Championing Health Equity
  • Fundraising

Donate here


Black Legal Action Centre

Black Legal Action Centre  
Black Legal Action Centre  

The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) is a new not-for-profit corporation set up under the laws of Ontario in 2017.

BLAC delivers legal aid services to low and no income Black Ontarians. We work to combat individual and systemic anti-Black racism by:


  • providing legal representation, summary legal advice and brief services to individual clients
  • engaging in test case litigation, law reform and community development to improve the laws that affect low income people
  • giving public legal information sessions to members of the public and other community agencies.

We can help clients by:

  • giving you legal advice
  • helping you fill out forms
  • representing you at some tribunals and courts
  • referring you to other agencies when we can’t help

Donate here


Black Youth Helpline

  Black Youth Helpline
  Black Youth Helpline

The Black Youth Helpline (BYH) is a not-for-profit, registered charitable organization governed by a Board of Directors. The organization serves ALL youth and specifically responds to the need for a Black youth specific service, resourced to promote access to culturally appropriate supports for youth, families, schools and other youth serving institutions.

The organization’s Stay-in-School program and support services is now Canada-wide and focuses on helping youth remain and succeed in schools and in community life.  

Intervening early to help address challenges faced by youth and helping vulnerable children remain and succeed in school, results in the best chance for youth to experience successful futures. This is the focus of the Black Youth Helpline.

Donate here


"God is my guide. I would not be doing this if it wasn’t for His clear calling on me. Jesus is my saviour and my strength. Whether you are a believer or not all are welcome to join me on this journey. There is no moving forward if there is no desire to get along and accept all those who want to reach the same goal no matter their religion or beliefs.” -Pheona Jimenez, Founder

The organization’s goal is to help Black people here in our city feel they have a voice, they are important and they are loved in their every day lives outside their homes. Bridging GAAPS hopes to bridge the gaps between the Black people of Cambridge and store owners, churches, law enforcement and our government leaders on all levels. There needs to be improvements in how Black people are treated in all of these places and all of the leaders in this place need to come up with new ways to make this happen.

Contact: bridginggaaps14@gmail.com

GET FREE is a multimedia Hip Hop civics curriculum for youth and young adults. Its goal is to introduce students to a national network of young community leaders, artists, and activists who advocate for social change and democratic inclusion driven by grassroots organizing. GET FREE is inspired by the exuberance, ingenuity, political energy, resistance, love, and DIY model of underground Hip Hop. Its aim is to push and extend ideas of democracy, citizenship, freedom, community, civic engagement, and intersectional justice.
30% of Seat Reserved for Qualified Women
We Saved You a Seat is a project at Algonquin College which aims to attract more women to programs in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). As part of this initiative, the College aims to establish learning environments where women can develop their talents; attract women to non-traditional careers; and provide students with financial incentives.
Learn more
The Canadian Association for Play Therapy (CAPT) announces in an unprecedented change that, although we are unable to offer the Face to Face Foundation Play Therapy training days in Toronto this year, we are making a move to offer on-line training in its place. This training will take place on-line at the same time and dates previously advertised.

Identifying your emotions is the first step to help you regulate them.

Education in the Pandemic? A National Scan
Canada-wide Education & COVID Tracker

People for Education is keeping track of the differences in educational policy and approaches across the country during the pandemic.

The Canada-wide Education during COVID-19 Tracker will provide an opportunity to understand more about the successes, challenges and evolution of each region''s response.  If you know of updates for your province, please email info@peopleforeducation.ca.

Canada-wide Education & COVID Tracker (click here)

Over the summer, join us online to hear from Ryerson community members delivering content across a range of topics. Tune in for mock-lecture and professional development opportunities.
First up, join us on Thursday, June 18 from 1 - 2 p.m.

Register Today!
Here's what we have in store for you:

- State of the Union, Charmaine Hack, University Registrar
- Why Diversity and Inclusion Matters Now, Toni De Mello, Assistant Dean, Student Programming, Development and Equity, Faculty of Law & Director, Human Rights, Ryerson University
- Climate Change and Increasing Indigenous Research Capacity in the North, Dave Atkinson, Department Chair and Undergraduate Program Director, Environment and Urban Sustainability

Learning About Learning Disabilities Together

Register Here!

Our Creating Authentic Spaces toolkit and education program is part of our efforts to challenge transphobia and to foster environments that are inclusive of gender identity and gender expression.

People who identify as trans often experience barriers to accessing necessary services due to discrimination or harassment based on their gender identity and gender expression.
Paragon Testing Enterprises
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems
Subscribers' Lounge
OSCA will once again be offering the additional qualification courses in Guidance and Career Education this summer. Parts 1, 2, and 3 (Specialist) will be offered, pending enrollment.

Summer Session: July 6th to July 31st.

Cost: $650
No textbook
Course is entirely online, within an online classroom format. The course is taught by a current Guidance Counsellor that works in a school setting.

OSCA/ACOSO Guidance and Career Education Awards 

Awards are now open for nominations!
Deadline is now May 28th, 2021

Curriculum and Resources

**The Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to the career development of young people through the creation, development and delivery of high quality Guidance and Career Education Resources.

Counsellor Professional Development

**The Russ Seltzer Award for Contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario - presented to honour contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario, including teaching Guidance and Career Education Additional Qualification courses.

**The Howard R. Beattie Award for Contribution to Counsellor Professional Development - presented to a counsellor who has created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and the organization of a conference or guidance professional development activities.

Elementary Guidance

**The Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to elementary guidance in Ontario.

Peer Helping

**The Daryl L. Cook Peer Helping Award - presented to one elementary and/or one secondary school in Ontario in recognition of its exemplary peer helping program.

Contribution to Guidance and Career Education

**The Career/LifeSkills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to career development. This award is presented by Career/Lifeskills Resources (www.career-lifeskills.com).

**The Certificate of Appreciation - presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario by individuals/groups who are community partners.

**The Phil Hedges Award - presented to recognize the contributions to Guidance and Career Education by dedicated counsellors in the Province of Ontario. An award will be given to one qualifying nominee from each of the six educational regions in the province, or up to a maximum of six qualifying nominees from across the province. **Please refer to http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/offices.html to determine which region each school board is included in.

**The Morgan D. Parmenter Memorial Award - presented to recognizes a person who has made a most significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario.

Nomination Form