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OSCA AdvocacyThis past fall, OSCA provided input into the current situations facing students as they apply to colleges and universities for the 2021-2022 school year. OSCA is aware of issues affecting university/college applications. Guidance Counsellors are urged to continue to advocate for equity for all students by discussing the issues with the post-secondary institutions. These issues include, but are not limited to:
Post Secondary Information
This page provides the most recent information on the steps we are taking, as well as answers to common questions regarding the college application. We will continue to make updates as new information arises. Note: For information on how Ontario’s public colleges are managing COVID-19, please refer to each college’s website. A full list of college websites can be found on our Contact the Colleges page. We’re hiring for the following positions. Please help us promote these opportunities by sharing with your network. Thank you! Student Engagement Coordinator Resources
In the Framework vision for science education, students engage in active investigations to make sense of natural phenomena and analyze and build solutions to problems. Basing these investigations on justice-centered phenomena can be a powerful and rightful way to support science and engineering learning. Justice-centered investigations can open up important opportunities for students to engage in projects that support equity for communities and to see how the application of science and engineering are fundamentally entwined with political and ethical questions, dimensions, and decisions.
Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) a le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d'un nouveau site Web bilingue nommé
Développé par CPF Ontario, s’adresse aux étudiant.e.s du secondaire et du postsecondaire qui explorent leur futur cheminement de carrière. inspire et informe les jeunes à devenir enseignant.e.s de français langue seconde (FLS). ___________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) is excited to announce the launch of a new bilingual website named Developed by CPF Ontario, the goal of is to motivate secondary and post-secondary students to explore becoming a French as a Second Language (FSL) teacher.
The associate professor is calling for more radical reforms to the country's educational system, which she compares to the abolitionist movement. "I think there's an idea that white teachers can't teach black kids, and so they walk in with those perceptions," Love told Virginia Prescott on NPR's daily news talk show, On Second Thought. "And so, what we try to do in schools of education, and particularly at the University of Georgia, is to challenge them and get them to think outside of the box. You saying you love children is great, but that's not enough, particularly to teach students of color because you don't need to just love them—you need to love their culture." Tiffiny Lai is the founder of Plantiful and Co., a passion project which sprouted during and because of the current global pandemic. It is both an online, social-media based plant boutique and a plant styling service that aims to "bring more life to life."
Prior to taking this pivot in her career path, she worked for the National Basketball Association for over four years. She started working on social responsibility projects for the NBA and eventually became an associate manager for merchandising and events, among other roles. She is currently working on her orthomolecular health practitioner nutrition certification. An accessible, content-rich and value-packed opportunity for Canada’s career development communities to convene, share and learn. Over 150 sessions on Supporting clients through the pandemic, Effective counselling & facilitation techniques, Career assessments, Labour market information, Working with diverse populations, Mental health & resilience, Youth employment, Talent management & leadership development, Online tools & technologies, Workforce & community economic development.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Une occasion accessible, riche en contenu et en valeur aux communautés spécialisées en développement de carrière du Canada pour qu’elles puissent se réunir, échanger et apprendre. Plus de 150 séances de formation : Soutien des clients pendant la pandémie, Counseling efficace et techniques d’animation, Information sur le marché du travail, Évaluation relative à la carrière, Travail avec des populations et clientèles variées, Santé mentale et résilience, Emploi des jeunes, Gestion du talent et développement du leadership, Outils et technologies numériques, Main-d’œuvre et développement économique communautaire. The health crisis has had numerous implications in all sectors of human life, leading to an economic crisis, as well as to what must be called an education crisis. In this report, the Special Rapporteur analyses the issues she considers to be the most pressing from a human rights perspective. Acting within a human rights framework is indeed crucial to ensure that measures adopted in response to the pandemic do not jeopardize the right to education and do not increase the suffering of the most marginalized. Subscribers' Lounge
Fall Session: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 -to- Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Winter Session: Monday, January 11, 2021 -to- Monday, March 8, 2021 Cost: $650 Upcoming Events