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I would like to take this time to thank Nicole Trotter, for her outstanding work at the helm of the OSCA/ACOSO ship during the tumultuous seas of 2020. She led our organization with optimism, creativity and resiliency through the COVID-19 waters and we have tremendous gratitude for this. Alongside her, we had an incredibly supportive Board of Directors who worked continuously behind the scenes to keep our membership informed, support new avenues of professional development, and foster relationships with partners in Guidance and Career Education. Thank you to Emad Awadallah, Nicole Beuckelare, Martha Biagi, Jennifer Boston, Rod Conte, Kim Ennis-Hildebrand, Julie Fantinato, Launa Larlee, Natalie Middleton Bondy, Marie Moftah, and Gina Vincent for their dedication and hard work! Thank you to Angela Ventrice, our Additional Qualifications instructor, for helping to prepare new Guidance Counsellors for their exciting roles in our schools, and to Laura Ball, for the many hours of work required to keep our membership informed through our e-newletters. I would like to thank Art Barron as well, for his years of service as our Webmaster. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Le changement est partout autour de nous, et avec lui, OSCA se lance en 2021 avec un nouveau conseil d'administration! J'ai l'honneur et le privilège d'accepter le poste de présidente de l'OSCA / ACOSO. Nous sommes votre organisation, alors continuez à nous contacter à tout moment - nous apprécions vos commentaires, suggestions et questions - nous sommes là pour VOUS! Je voudrais prendre ce temps pour remercier Nicole Trotter, pour son travail exceptionnel à la barre du navire OSCA / ACOSO pendant les mers tumultueuses de 2020. Elle a dirigé notre organisation avec optimisme, créativité et résilience à travers les eaux du COVID-19 et nous en sommes très reconnaissants. À ses côtés, nous avions un conseil d'administration incroyablement solidaire qui travaillait continuellement dans les coulisses pour tenir nos membres informés, soutenir de nouvelles voies de développement professionnel et favoriser les relations avec les partenaires de l'orientation et du développement professionnel. Merci à Emad Awadallah, Nicole Beuckelare, Martha Biagi, Jennifer Boston, Rod Conte, Kim Ennis-Hildebrand, Julie Fantinato, Launa Larlee, Natalie Middleton Bondy, Marie Moftah et Gina Vincent pour leur dévouement et leur travail acharné! Merci à Angela Ventrice, notre instructrice de qualifications additionnelles, pour avoir aidé à préparer les nouveaux conseillers en orientation à leurs rôles passionnants dans nos écoles, et à Laura Ball, pour les nombreuses heures de travail nécessaires pour tenir nos membres informés grâce à nos bulletins électroniques. Je tiens également à remercier Art Barron pour ses années de service en tant que Webmaster.
Post Secondary Information
Working with clients who do not share our individual cultural identity can be challenging for mental health professionals. We know that building a strong therapeutic relationship is required for us to engage in meaningful work with clients. Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, and other mental health professionals across North America are asking themselves, "How can I practice in a more culturally competent manner?" And, "How do I discuss aspects of culture within this therapeutic relationship?"
Hear our esteemed speaker address these topics and more within our live webinar. Dr. Sandra Dixon - Registered Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Lethbridge. This session will include a lecture from the speaker, opportunities for self-reflective learning, and will be followed by a question and answer session. Participants will have a chance to submit questions in advance of the event, as well as in the live chat. The webinar will be held on January 29, 2021, and will run from 9:00am to 12:00pm (Mountain Daylight Time). Dates: Let's Talk Health: Physics - Saturday, Feb. 6 | 1:00 - 3:30 pm EST Let's Talk Health: Biology - Saturday, Feb. 20 | 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST Let's Talk Health: Sports - Saturday Mar. 6 | 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST Resources
We recognize the incredible efforts of educators, school and board staff who serve students daily in classrooms across Ontario. We know you do so despite your personal pandemic challenges. Your work matters. When students attend school, whether in-person or online, they engage in important routines and foster connections that can help them to feel more balanced amidst the uncertainties. Thank you for all you do to create welcoming and inclusive classrooms that help our students to learn and grow.
The following resources and learning opportunities have been prepared to both bolster student mental health and support the well-being of educators. These classroom-ready resources can be used for either virtual and in-person learning. Additional classroom materials and learning opportunities are in development and will be shared in the coming weeks and months. flightunit is a leadership development organization and over the past 11 years we have specialized in career pathways, leadership skill training and social initiatives including anti-black racism. As the founder of this organization I am dedicated to uplifting this world and ensuring that we are providing as many quality resources as possible to support the growth and development of staff and students, our leaders of today. flightunit provides engaging and inspiring virtual presentations for students k-12, all educators, and the community. While the calendar might be turning a new page, much of our reality will still be the same in 2021.
We need to work extra hard to manage our emotions well. While it may seem counter-intuitive to take a course online when we are working remotely, our programs can help you learn how to take time during the day to practice mindfulness. This month, there are three new programs being offered: Thrive with smartEducation, Thrive with a Guided Silent Retreat, and Thrive with a Mindful Community of Educators & Healthcare Professionals.
This Professional Development session is designed for those who advise students on post-secondary pathways. Gap Years are becoming more common in Canada and YOU need to be informed.
Free PD Session on Friday, February 5th at 2:30 pm EST. Business of Food will equip educators to deliver factual, relevant, and balanced information from across the agri-food sector into Ontario classrooms.
Individuals who are eligible to receive a scholarship for the Business of Food e-learning courses are: - Teachers who are currently certified to teach in Ontario (OCT) and are working in a public or private Ontario elementary or secondary school - Teacher Candidates who are currently enrolled in an Ontario Faculty of Education and intend to become a classroom teacher in Ontario An accessible, content-rich and value-packed opportunity for Canada’s career development communities to convene, share and learn. Over 150 sessions on supporting clients through the pandemic, effective counselling & facilitation techniques, career assessments, labour market information, working with diverse populations, Mental health & resilience, youth employment, Talent management & leadership development, online tools & technologies, workforce & community economic development.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Une occasion accessible, riche en contenu et en valeur aux communautés spécialisées en développement de carrière du Canada pour qu’elles puissent se réunir, échanger et apprendre. Plus de 150 séances de formation : Soutien des clients pendant la pandémie, Counseling efficace et techniques d’animation, Information sur le marché du travail, Évaluation relative à la carrière, Travail avec des populations et clientèles variées, Santé mentale et résilience, Emploi des jeunes, Gestion du talent et développement du leadership, Outils et technologies numériques, Main-d’œuvre et développement économique communautaire. Subscribers' Lounge
Winter Session: Monday, January 11, 2021 -to- Monday, March 8, 2021 Cost: $650 Upcoming Events