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OSCA is going virtual for 2021! We''re planning for a Virtual Conference in Fall 2021 and want to hear from you!


OSCA Fall Virtual Conference Survey


OSCA/ACOSO passe au virtuel pour 2021! Nous prévoyons une conférence virtuelle à l''automne 2021 et nous souhaitons entendre votre avis !


Sondage de la Conférence Virtuelle d'automne de l'ACOSO


Next session: July 9th to July 31st

All three parts will be offered. Candidates may enrol in one part.

Cost: $650 (includes a copy of ethical guidelines and a one year OSCA Subscription)

Taught by a current school Guidance Counsellor, through an interactive, online classroom environment.

Candidates must hold a valid OCT and be in good standing to register.

Register here!

Degrees with Hands-on Experience, Theory and Co-op
Take the hands-on learning of a college, add the theoretical style of a university, mix it with real-life experience, and you have an Algonquin College’s Bachelor's degree with a paid co-op placement. Algonquin College offers a variety of Honours Bachelor's degrees with Co-op ranging from commerce to robotics, building science to interior design – so there’s something for everyone.
Learn More

Canadian Association for Play Therapy
Foundation Play Therapy Training

Live On-line Instructor Lead
Individual Full Days of Training 2021


 May 3 - 14, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Introduction to Play Therapy
• Play Therapy History, Models and Process ? 2 days
• Ethical Practice in a Play Therapy Setting
• Assessment & Treatment Planning in a Play Therapy Context
• Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
• Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy ? 2 days
• Theraplay as a Play Therapy Model
• Family Play Therapy

June 14 - 25, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Sandtray Therapy ? 2 days
• Brain Research and Child Development in a Play Therapy Setting
• Understanding Traumatized Children and Applying Play Therapy Tools in the Treatment of Trauma in Children ? 2 days
• Treating Disruptive Behaviour Problems in a Play Therapy Setting ? 2 days
• Creating an Inclusive and Culturally Competent Play Therapy Practice
• Storytelling in a Play Therapy Session
• Understanding and Treating Anxious Children

August 9 - 20, 2021 (Monday to Friday)

• Play Therapy with Abused Children ? 2 days
• Day 1 ? Physical and Emotional Abuse
• Day 2 ? Sexual Abuse
• Puppetry in a Play Therapy Setting
• Play Therapy with Adults
• Group Therapy
• Play Therapy for Children and Families Coping with Loss ? 2 days
• Case Application
• Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting
• Vicarious Trauma and Self Care in a Play Therapy Environment

For Details on Dates, Registration, Training Outlines and Learning Outcomes go to: https://cacpt.com/foundation-play-therapy-training/

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Let's Talk Science
Post Secondary Information
For Students:

Need a break from school next year? Come learn how you can push pause to recharge and get ahead in life. There is more to life than online school.

Rarely will you have so many gap year specialists in one place! We know answers are hard to come by these days and we wanted to give you a break from all of the googling. Join us online for a few minutes or longer to get the info that you need about next year.
The SciXchange at Ryerson is hosting a Let's Talk Health Symposia, a series of virtual events that highlight the intersection of health research with various subjects in science. Each event is open to students in grades 10-12. Participants will get to meet researchers, ask questions and gain experience in virtual labs. Content is independent so students are welcome to sign up for one or multiple events.

Let's Talk Health: Sports - Saturday Mar. 6 | 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST
Registration deadline: Friday, February 26
Camp Dates: Saturdays between March 6 - June 18, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Nominate your Students and Register Today!
This Teacher's Resource Guide contains all of the information, support and tools teachers will need to implement Talking about Mental Illness in their classroom—an awareness program that has been proven to bring about positive change in students' knowledge and attitudes about mental illness.

The program supports teachers in four essential ways:
- it outlines the links between the program and the new Ontario Secondary School Curriculum Guidelines;
- it provides teachers with practical, ready-to-use information on mental illness;
- it offers teachers and students an opportunity to meet and interact with people who have experienced mental illness first-hand; and
- it provides links to community resources and support for further information and professional help.
Get insight on mental health and semi-isolated practices with a focus on our Indigenous population through a rural Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic (NPLC) model.

This webinar will showcase how the role of the nurse practitioner and the NPLC model can promote better health outcomes for clients in a semi-rural community. Join us as Connie Foster shares her journey to becoming an Indigenous Nurse Practitioner.

Date: March 26, 20201 | 12 - 1 p.m. (ET)

30% of Seat Reserved for Qualified Women
We Saved You a Seat is a project at Algonquin College which aims to attract more women to programs in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). As part of this initiative, the College aims to establish learning environments where women can develop their talents; attract women to non-traditional careers; and provide students with financial incentives.
Learn more
24 February 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us to discuss the similarities, relatedness, and commonalities in the educational experiences, attainments, opportunities and possibilities of Black student in various regions in Canada. Our panel of educators who currently work as teachers and administrators in School Boards in six Canadian cities, will enlighten us about issues and concerns of educators, students, parents and community members pertaining to what schooling and education has been like -- and continues to be – for them. We will learn about what has been happening across the country because of the social structures and systemic oppressions they face.
This FREE webinar series will be presented by experts from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Canadian Career Development Foundation, (CCDF) and the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). The series will address three key gaps that affect the practice of career practitioners in Canada today: an understanding of those individuals using career services, an evolving scope of practice and competencies of career development practitioners, and an increased focus on skill development and identification in the workforce.
VIRTUAL ZOOM Presentation by Julie-Anne Richards, M.A., R.C.C., Registered Clinical Counsellor and Psychoeducational Consultant, on Childhood Stress and Anxiety: Empowering Strategies and Effective Support. The Presentation is tailored for parents, caregivers and educators supporting children ages 5-12
Centennial College
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems
Subscribers' Lounge
Greetings! My name is Gina Vincent and I am the Elementary Guidance Lead for the Toronto Catholic District School Board with 23 years of Guidance experience, and have been an OSCA/ACOSO Board Member since 2009. In my role at the TCDSB, I have been working to help support teachers, students and other Guidance Counsellors navigate the complicated educational landscape that we have been faced with since Spring of 2020. It has been challenging to shift the way we usually do things, but it has helped me to learn new skills and seek out Professional Learning opportunities that may not have been available before.

Salut ! Je m'appelle Gina Vincent et je suis responsable de l'orientation à l’élémentaire pour le Toronto Catholic District School Board avec 23 ans d'expérience en orientation, et je suis membre du conseil d'administration de l'OSCA/ACOSO depuis 2009. Dans mon rôle au TCDSB, je travaille pour aider à soutenir les enseignants, les élèves et les autres conseillers en orientation pour naviguer dans le paysage éducatif complexe auquel nous sommes confrontés depuis le printemps 2020. Il a été difficile de changer notre façon habituelle de faire les choses, mais cela m'a aidé à acquérir de nouvelles compétences et à rechercher un apprentissage professionnel et des opportunités qui n'étaient peut-être pas disponibles auparavant.



This next issue of OSCA Today will drop into your mailbox one year into this global pandemic,
which only appears to be getting worse before it gets better. We have all made sacrifices.
Many of us may be managing but many more are not. Educators across our province are
witnessing first-hand how many of our students are struggling. This pandemic continues to put
a strain on all of us especially our students and their families. We need help with advice and
resources. We need you!

Here is what we need:

First. Resources. We would like your suggestion for support agencies that our students can
reach out to. We especially need resources for our BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, People of Colour,
2SLGBTQQ students.

Second. Articles. If you have stories, ideas or advice to help us and our students endure this
pandemic, we would love to hear from you. We would love it if you would write an article for
OSCA Today.

Please reach out and submit your resources and articles ideas to Roderick Conte, OSCA VP of
Communications at rbconte@yahoo.com


The Ontario School Counsellors' Association has a long-standing tradition (over 40 years) of recognizing and awarding those who stand out in the field of Guidance and Career Education. OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made a significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. We can say with confidence that our past award winners have helped thousands find their pathways to successful futures! OSCA's awards are an excellent way of recognizing your most dedicated peers.
Upcoming Events
Mar 2021
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Mar 2021
12 PM - 1 PM (EST)