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OSCA/ACOSO is going virtual for 2021! We are excited to offer a professional development
and networking event this Spring: Hope & Rejuvenation: Taking Care of Each Other. When: Wednesday May 12, 2021 Title: Hope & Rejuvenation: Taking Care of Each Other Theme: Wellness for Guidance Counsellors Scope: Half-day, "mini" conference offering a keynote speaker, workshop options, healthy breaks, and networking opportunities. Registration coming soon!! _________________________________________________________________________________ L’OSCA/ACOSO devient virtuelle en 2021! Nous sommes ravis d'offrir un événement de développement professionnel et de réseautage ce printemps: Espoir et rajeunissement: prendre soin les uns des autres. Quand: le mercredi 12 mai 2021 Titre: Espoir et rajeunissement: prendre soin les uns des autres Thème: Bien-être pour les conseillers en orientation Portée: demi-journée, «mini» conférence offrant un conférencier principal, des options d'ateliers, des pauses santé et des opportunités de réseautage. Inscription à venir!! OSCA/ACOSO is going virtual for 2021 and we are looking forward to connecting, learning, and sharing with you in new ways this year! With valued feedback from our members, we are excited to host a virtual conference for 2021. Join us as we move forward: FORWARD21: Moving from Chaos to Opportunity. Stay connected with us for conference registration and more details. This year OSCA/ACOSO 2021 celebrates 57 years of leading the way in Guidance and Career
Education in Ontario. It has been an unprecedented year riddled with never-before-seen challenges and relentless change. The context of the pandemic has brought about needs and disruptions in Guidance and Career Education work; needs and challenges that are uncharted. In many ways, we are planning for the unplanned and tasked with forging new paths forward. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Cette année, OSCA / ACOSO 2021 célèbre ses 57 ans à l'avant-garde de l'orientation et de la formation professionnelle en Ontario. Ce fut une année sans précédent pleine de défis inédits et de changements incessants. Le contexte de la pandémie a entraîné des besoins et des perturbations dans le travail de l'orientation et du cheminement de carrière ainsi que des besoins et des défis inexplorés. À bien des égards, nous prévoyons les imprévus et sommes chargés de tracer de nouvelles voies.
Post Secondary Information
We are pleased to invite you to a free, virtual Guidance Dialogues event on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, from 9:25 a.m. to noon.
We will provide a general update on application statistics and recruitment activities. Following these updates, representatives from each Ontario university will provide live admission updates and up-to-date information about their university. University updates will be given one at a time and each update will be approximately 3 minutes. Following the university updates and throughout the morning, you will have the opportunity to engage directly with university representatives in their session rooms to ask any questions you may have. Registration for this event is required and will be available soon. This event is for guidance counsellors only. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues pour conseillères et conseillers, le mercredi 7 avril 2021, de 9 h 25 à 12 h. Nous y présenterons une mise à jour générale des statistiques relatives aux inscriptions et des activités de recrutement. À la suite de ces mises à jour, des représentantes et représentants de chaque université de l’Ontario fourniront des mises à jour en temps réel sur les admissions, ainsi que les tout derniers renseignements au sujet de leur université. Ces mises à jour seront données à tour de rôle, chacune devant durer environ 3 minutes. À la suite des mises à jour des universités et tout au long de la matinée, vous aurez l’occasion d’échanger directement avec les représentantes et représentants d’université dans leur salle de séance et de leur poser des questions. L’inscription à cet événement est obligatoire et sera disponible bientôt. Cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation. 2021 OSCA/ACOSO Guidance and Career Education AwardsThe Ontario School Counsellors' Association has a long-standing tradition (over 40 years) of recognizing and awarding those who stand out in the field of Guidance and Career Education. OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations that have made a significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario. We can say with confidence that our past award winners have helped thousands find their pathways to successful futures! OSCA's awards are an excellent way of recognizing your most dedicated peers.
OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathway Awards' mandate is to assist at-risk students in their journey towards success. One of the most important ways this is accomplished is by providing the OSCA-ACOSO Anthony Di Lena Student Pathways Awards to at-risk students who have demonstrated the exemplary ability to succeed in the face of adversity. $500.00 awards are presented to students who, in their postsecondary pursuits, are taking a pathway to apprenticeship, college, university or workplace. One of the most important mandates is to provide scholarships to exemplary at-risk students for post-secondary education or vocational training. Nomination Deadline is May 28, 2021 Award Criteria Nominated students must be graduating/or have graduated from an accredited public secondary, Catholic secondary, or inspected private secondary school, including First Nations, in the province of Ontario in the previous school year. Students must be nominated by a classroom teacher, a Student Success Teacher or a Guidance Counsellor who are not their parent. The nominator does not have to be a member of OSCA. In order to be nominated, a student must fulfill one or more of the following criteria:
A complete nomination requires three parts: 1. Completion of the on-line nomination form found below; Four Pathways Awards will be awarded for $500 each. The nominator should indicate which pathway the nominated student will pursue after completion of their high school education ? University, Apprenticeship, College, or Workplace. It is our hope that this award could be presented to the receiving student at their graduation ceremony. The nominator should provide the date of this ceremony.
PennyDrops is a student-run, non-profit organization that offers financial literacy programs to high school and university students across the country. Teachers can use the PennyDrops Anywhere platform to let students learn basic financial concepts at their own pace, where they will progress through the first 6 lessons of our curriculum by watching videos and taking pre and post-lesson quizzes. They can also register their classrooms to have our university mentors deliver all 11 of our lessons in a synchronous format, using small groups and interactive activities. To learn more about the PennyDrops High School Program, please view the Overview Deck, and if you would like to register your classroom for the program, please email us at In the past, career exploration was used primarily during secondary or post-secondary education. The goal was to guide and assist students in making informed choices when preparing to enter the work world. But these days, most adult workers recognize the long-term benefits of becoming lifelong learners as they deal with multiple career transitions.
The goal of this group is to create a network of support for educators trying to create anti-racist change in their school.
This group will focus on: - connecting with other educators doing anti-racist work in K-12 school settings - sharing activities and resources we have come across or used to teach anti-racism to staff or students - supporting each other in the struggle to engage resistant staff, students, administrators, or families - problem-solving challenges we are facing as we do this work - collaborating to generate ideas for actions, activities, and policies to promote anti-racism in schools - examining curriculum and school culture to promote equity, representation, and engagement from all groups - creating affinity groups within the group in order to discuss the specific needs and challenges of different educator populations - building a community to collaborate to make changes on a local and larger basis Life isn’t fair. The fact that life isn’t fair won’t be news to anyone involved in career development work. Everyone has seen a client or a student who has enormous potential, but whose life is so complex that it is impossible for them to build the career that they dream of. Or been frustrated that the educational system is so rigid or the employment or benefit regulations so limiting. And everyone has felt empathy for clients who are struggling, bullied and undervalued. But what can you do about it? Subscribers' Lounge
As a registered yoga teacher, she has used the covid time to deepen her self awareness and really putting her yoga philosophy to work. She continues to enjoy reading, walking, biking and her new found loves, gardening and home improvement. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Martha a commencé dans l'orientation il y a plusieurs années. Après avoir enseigné le français, la géographie, les mathématiques et la religion au secondaire pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns, elle a enseigné à l'étranger et aime faire le pont entre les expériences internationales des élèves dans le domaine de la planification de carrière et la vie. En tant que professeure reconnue de yoga, elle a utilisé le temps du Covid pour approfondir sa conscience de soi et vraiment mettre sa philosophie du yoga au travail. Elle continue à aimer la lecture, la marche, le vélo et ses nouvelles amours, le jardinage et la rénovation. WE NEED YOUR HELP!This next issue of OSCA Today will drop into your mailbox one year into this global pandemic, Here is what we need:First. Resources. We would like your suggestion for support agencies that our students can Second. Articles. If you have stories, ideas or advice to help us and our students endure this Please reach out and submit your resources and articles ideas to Roderick Conte, OSCA VP of
All three parts will be offered. Candidates may enrol in one part. Cost: $650 (includes a copy of ethical guidelines and a one year OSCA Subscription) Taught by a current school Guidance Counsellor, through an interactive, online classroom environment. Candidates must hold a valid OCT and be in good standing to register. Upcoming Events