Featured Highlights

Last Chance for OSCA Conference Participation!! 

 For more information, please visit www.osca.ca.  

IBU, Ontario’s first “#nextgeneration" university
International Business University®
A personalized higher-education experience in downtown Toronto. IBU BCOMM (Honours) degree can be completed in less than three years.
The innovative, industry focused curriculum is designed to give our students the practical experience, skills and knowledge to succeed. IBU’s one-on-one continuous mentoring and tutoring with classes capped at 30 students will make sure each graduate feels completely prepared for the business world. 
Learn More

To all OSCA/ACOSO members: You are cordially invited to the 2021 AGM on October 14th @ 2:30 pm, during the first day of our second virtual conference (FORWARD21 MOVING FROM CHAOS TO OPPORTUNITY). In order to actively participate in the AGM, the Governance Committee invites you to have a look at the motions we will discuss and vote on during the meeting on the following link (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10DMKXWy33n4MA3BgM-EVDUn_7vg5ITEvnkf4nze0IYQ/edit?usp=sharing).
Should you have any questions concerning the rationale of these changes, please contact Marie Moftah @ zoologyalex@gmail.com and / or Kim Ennis-Hildebrand @ ennshik@gmail.com before october 6, 2021.

À tous les membres de l'OSCA/ACOSO : Vous êtes cordialement invités à l'AGA 2021 le 14 octobre à 14h30, lors de la première journée de notre deuxième conférence virtuelle (DE L''AVANT21 DU CHAOS À LA POSSIBILITÉ). Afin de participer activement à l''AGA, le comité de gouvernance vous invite à jeter un ?il aux motions dont nous discuterons et pour lesquelles nous voterons lors de la réunion sur le lien suivant (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10DMKXWy33n4MA3BgM-EVDUn_7vg5ITEvnkf4nze0IYQ/edit?usp=sharing).

Si vous avez des questions concernant la logique derrière ces changements, veuillez contacter Marie Moftah @ zoologyalex@gmail.com et/ou Kim Ennis-Hildebrand @ ennshik@gmail.com avant le 6 octobre 2021.


Do you have your Guidance and Career Education Honours Specialist qualification? Are you interested in outstanding professional development that enables you to develop your leadership skills while promoting the profile of Guidance and Career education in Ontario? If you answered yes to these two questions, we invite you to apply for a position on the OSCA/ACOSO Board of Directors. We will have vacancies this year! Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on one or more of our standing committees: Governance, Communication, and/or Professional Development.

The link to our nomination form is found below. Candidates should attend the virtual AGM at the end of day 1 of our conference on October 14th. You will be given the opportunity to introduce yourself and tell us why you''d like to join the Board.

Please send resumes and questions to cathy.lihou@gmail.com

Nomination form

Avez-vous votre qualification de spécialiste spécialisé en orientation et en formation
professionnelle? ?tes-vous intéressé par un développement professionnel exceptionnel qui vous
permet de développer vos compétences en leadership tout en faisant la promotion du profil de
l''orientation et de l''éducation professionnelle en Ontario? Si vous avez répondu oui à ces deux
questions, nous vous invitons à poser votre candidature pour un poste au conseil d''administration
de l''OSCA/ACOSO. Nous aurons des postes vacants cette année! Les candidats retenus auront
l''occasion de travailler au sein d''un ou de plusieurs de nos comités permanents : Gouvernance,
Communication et/ou Développement professionnel.

Le lien vers notre formulaire de mise en candidature se trouve ci-dessous. Les candidats doivent
assister à l''AGM virtuelle à la fin de la première journée de notre conférence le 14 octobre. Vous
aurez l''occasion de vous présenter et de nous dire pourquoi vous aimeriez vous joindre au

Veuillez envoyer vos CV et questions à cathy.lihou@gmail.com

Lien de candidature

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Zebra Pen
Post Secondary Information
Ontario's universities are excited to host the Ontario Universities’ Fairs (OUFs) this fall. The OUFs have one remaining event:
- Tuesday, October 26, 5-7 pm (ET)

All Ontario universities will participate in these free events and anyone can attend – pre-registration is not required.

Les universités de l’Ontario sont heureuses de présenter, cet automne, les Foires des universités de l’Ontario (FUO). Les FUO il reste un événement :
- Mardi 26 octobre, de 17 h à 19 h (HE)

Toutes les universités de l’Ontario prendront part à ces événements gratuits, et tout le monde peut y participer – aucune préinscription n’est exigée.
We are pleased to invite you to a free, virtual Guidance Dialogues event on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 9:00 am-12:30 pm.

Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues pour conseillères et conseillers, le mercredi 20 octobre 2021, de 9 h 00 à 12 h 30.

PennyDrops is a student-run, non-profit organization that offers financial literacy programs to high school and post-secondary students across the country.

Teachers can use the PennyDrops Anywhere platform to let students learn basic financial concepts at their own pace, where they will progress through the first 8 lessons of our curriculum by watching videos and taking pre and post-lesson quizzes. They can also register their classrooms to have our university mentors deliver all 11 of our lessons virtually or in-person, using small groups and interactive activities. To learn more about the PennyDrops High School Program, please view the Overview Deck, and if you would like to register your classroom for the program, please email us at contact@pennydrops.org.

Carleton University is Up for The Challenge
Carleton University®
At Carleton University, we embrace purposeful change and empower the next generation to drive real impact in the world. We know that by challenging students to realize their academic, personal and professional potential, we are helping to shape a more promising future. Our academic programs, capital location, career focus and global possibilities provide countless opportunities for learning to happen both inside and outside of the classroom.
Learn more
Career centres and counseling offices have always responded to common student concerns, but the demand has increased and shifted as the pandemic continues to affect the job market (Griffin, 2020). When students enrolled at the University of Michigan Public Health expressed feelings of stress surrounding their job search or career development during individual advising sessions, career specialists collaborated with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to bring together data, resources, and strategies in support of students. Together, staff designed a collaborative workshop focused on responding to graduate students’ stress related to the career search process and promoted wellness. The presentation goals were two-fold.

1. Open the door to conversations about stressors and normalize responses and behaviors, thus providing opportunities to address habits and practices before they become harmful.
2. Discuss concrete and actionable stress responses including individual regulation, use of university resources, and advancement of personal goals.

Wednesday, October 13, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

The Creative School (formerly known as FCAD/Faculty of Communication and Design) requests the pleasure of your company, for an intimate discussion with Dean Charles Falzon on Wednesday October 13 at 10:30 a.m. EST.

Join Dean Falzon to discuss media, design, and disruption within these industries. The Future is Creative. Learn more about how we inspire and create spaces and opportunities for exploration of emerging technologies, sustainable design, and push the boundaries on social narratives at The Creative School.

Centennial College
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems
Subscribers' Lounge

OSCA will be offering the AQ course this fall. Taught by a current guidance counsellor, through an interactive, online classroom. Cost is $650 and includes a one-year new subscription to OSCA ( if one does not currently have one), a copy of ethical guidelines and there is NO textbook. To register, please go to www.osca.ca