Featured Highlights

AQ Part 1, Part 2 and Specialist (Part 3) courses – Spring Session- April 4-June 3, 2022



The Ontario School Counsellors’ Association offers Additional  Qualification Courses in Guidance and Career Education Parts I, II and Specialist (Part III) in Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall.

OSCA’s online, interactive courses are user friendly and allow real-time practice of the skills needed for the effective Guidance Teacher-Counsellor. We have a virtual classroom where we meet in real time to practice counselling skills, listen to guest speakers, and watch videos. This feature is very popular and it really makes OSCA’s AQ experience prominent.

 Learn More



Theme: Inside Out: Looking Inside, Growing Outside!

When: Thursday, October 13, 2022

Where: Virtual conference

Stay tuned for the keynote announcement, call for workshop proposals and conference partners!
IBU, Ontario’s first “#nextgeneration" university
International Business University®
A personalized higher-education experience in downtown Toronto. IBU BCOMM (Honours) degree can be completed in less than three years.
The innovative, industry focused curriculum is designed to give our students the practical experience, skills and knowledge to succeed. IBU’s one-on-one continuous mentoring and tutoring with classes capped at 30 students will make sure each graduate feels completely prepared for the business world. 
Learn More

It''s time to #SparkYourCareer as Build a Dream in partnership with Spark Power hosts an electric career discovery expo for students all across Canada!

JOIN US VIRTUALLY: Thursday, March 10, 2022 from 6-8:30PM

What you can look forward to:

?       Virtual Reality Experience

?       Breakout Presentations "Choose Your Own Path"

?       Q&A Sessions

?       1:1 Opportunities to Chat with the Experts

Explore Careers In:

?       Engineering

?       Renewable Energy

?       High Voltage

?       Low Voltage

?       Sustainability

Hear from the experts!

?       Explore opportunities in electrical, engineering and technology careers.

?       Panelists will provide insider information on these exciting careers at Spark Power.

?       Resume and interview tips to give you the edge!

?       Breakout rooms, prizes and more!


Register today for this FREE event! The first 300 registrants receive a Spark Power experience box and will be entered for a chance to WIN additional prizes.  


RSVP Today!



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St. Clair College
Zebra Pen
Post Secondary Information

We are pleased to invite you to a free virtual Guidance Dialogue on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Event Schedule

9 am-11 am: Main Presentation and University Updates

  • Update from the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC)
  • General update on recruitment activities
  • Updates from Ontario university representatives on admission and general information

11:00 am-12:30 pm: Chat with University and OUAC Representatives

You will be able to submit questions before the event. We will answer the most common questions following the university updates. More details will follow in mid-April.

Registration is required and will be available in mid-April. Please be advised that this event is for guidance counsellors only.

Visit Guidance for more information and to register (once available).

Please send all event inquiries to: onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

Dialogues entre les conseillers et les universités de l’Ontario – Printemps 2022 – Séance virtuelle : Date à retenir

Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues, le mardi 26 avril 2022, de 9 h à 12 h 30.

Horaire de l’événement

De 9 h à 11 h : Présentation principale et mises à jour des universités

  • Mise à jour du Centre de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario (« OUAC »)
  • Mise à jour générale des activités de recrutement
  • Mises à jour des représentant(e)s des universités de l’Ontario sur les admission et renseignements générales.

De 11 h à 12 h 30 : Clavardage avec les représentant(e)s des universités et de l’OUAC

Vous aurez l’occasion de soumettre des questions avant la tenue de l’événement. Nous répondrons aux questions les plus courantes à la suite des mises à jour des universités. De plus amples détails seront fournis à la mi-avril.

Nota : L’événement se tiendra principalement en anglais seulement. Puisque certaines universités sont bilingues, les participants auront l’occasion de s’entretenir en français avec certaines représentant(e)s universitaires.

L’inscription est exigée et sera disponible à compter de la mi-avril. À noter que cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation.

Consultez Orientation pour de plus amples renseignements et pour vous inscrire (une fois disponible).

Prière d’envoyer vos questions à l’adresse : onunirecruitment@gmail.com.

TORONTO — The Ontario government is establishing the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University (NOSM University) and Université de Hearst (Hearst) as new, independent universities with degree-granting authority, effective April 1, 2022. This important milestone acknowledges the critical role these institutions play in providing students with access to medical training and French-language studies in Northern Ontario.

"The Ontario government is committed to supporting high-quality postsecondary education in northern Ontario," said Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities. "We recognize that our northern institutions are essential to ensuring we have a skilled workforce in the North, and by establishing NOSM University and Hearst as independent, publicly assisted universities, we will enable them to grow in ways that best serve their students and local communities."


Are you looking for an exciting GREEN career that improves the health & wellness of our environment and communities?

Consider a career as a Horticultural Technician

  • Grow, design, install and maintain green infrastructure 
  • Develop your creativity and problem-solving skills 
  • Work with plants outdoors and indoors

Build your horticulture and landscaping career today through the Horticultural Technician 441C Apprenticeship Program!

A Hort Tech Apprenticeship is an exciting education and training program. 80% of the apprenticeship journey is spent training and developing skills on-the-job with an employer and/or an experienced trainer, and 20% is learning about the profession in-school.

Best of all, the Apprenticeship Team at Landscape Ontario is here to help you through every step, from registration to completion:

  • Guide both workers/apprentices and employers through registration and completion process.
  • Provide training resources, mentorship, and troubleshooting services for apprentices, employers and trainers/supervisors.
  • Support apprentices and employers in accessing financial incentives.

Apprentices can now take advantage of Landscape Ontario''s HortTech Hub, which contains new online tools and resources that enable in-school and on-the-job success.

Register as a Horticultural Technician Apprentice today to start building your green career!

Still have questions? We have answers!
Sign up for a FREE virtual information session.

Register for the free Diversity in Skilled Trades Toolkit!

This Diversity in Skilled Trades toolkit features 5 Days of FREE media to help educators, business and workforce development leaders promote and celebrate the unique individuals that have launched rewarding careers in the trades.

Learn More

Carleton University is Up for The Challenge
Carleton University®
At Carleton University, we embrace purposeful change and empower the next generation to drive real impact in the world. We know that by challenging students to realize their academic, personal and professional potential, we are helping to shape a more promising future. Our academic programs, capital location, career focus and global possibilities provide countless opportunities for learning to happen both inside and outside of the classroom.
Learn more
TORONTO — The Ontario government is calling on citizens 16 years of age and older to help their communities in times of crisis by joining Volunteer Corps Ontario. The new program will register, screen and train volunteers so Ontario is better prepared to mobilize volunteers and safely respond to emergencies, from public health crises to natural disasters.

"We saw the true Ontario Spirit in action during the COVID-19 pandemic when countless heroes stepped up and volunteered their time," said Premier Ford. "We want to harness that Spirit by establishing Volunteer Corps Ontario to ensure we are prepared and ready to respond when the next emergency comes and requires everyday heroes to once again stand tall and support each other."
This report discusses the perspectives and concerns of Regional Sounding Tour stakeholders around the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on youth, Indigenous peoples, women, and newcomers in the areas of education and employment.
CERIC, along with its partner associations, will be offering a variety of webinar series in the next few months to support the career development community on a range of timely topics. Register now to advance your professional development!
Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer
Bishop's University-Quebec Universities Systems