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Featured Highlights
Dear OSCA/ACOSO Members, We hope everyone had a wonderful first week back! As we move into a school year of new hopes, we look forward to learning and growing with you at our annual conference this October. We are pleased to announce that registration for “Inside Out: Looking Inside, Growing Outside” is now live on the OSCA/ACOSO website. We are excited to host our keynote speaker, Dr. Rumeet Billan, as well as to offer sessions on the changing job market, mental health, COVID impacts, self-discovery, ethical guidelines and much more. Please visit to renew your subscription and to register for the conference. Additionally, all workshops will be recorded for you, and there will be access to upcoming webinars all year! The conference is free for members but does require registration. To sweeten the deal, the first 200 registrations will receive a free gift from SugarWish, so don’t delay! Wednesday, September 28th - 1:00 p.m. Renata will cover issues surrounding what information to avoid including in counsellor notes, who may have access to the records, as well as when and for what purposes they can be used. The webinar will also cover recent cases applicable to the disclosure and use of counsellor notes. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the webinar date. Kindly complete the registration form below before the end of Monday, September 26.
Post Secondary Information
The OUF is coming up. Don't let your students miss it!
The OUF gathers Ontario’s universities in one place. It's a once-a-year, free event where attendees can talk directly with university faculty and representatives. The OUF takes place October 1-2, 2022, from 9:30am to 5:00pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Admission is free. ___________________________________________________________________________________ La Foire des universités de l’Ontario (FUO) arrive à grands pas. Assurez-vous que vos élèves y seront! La FUO réunit les universités de l’Ontario en un seul endroit. Il s’agit d’un événement annuel gratuit qui permet aux participantes et participants de s’entretenir directement avec des professeures et professeurs et des représentantes et représentants des universités. La FUO aura lieu les 1er et 2 octobre 2022 au Palais des congrès du Toronto métropolitain, de 9 h 30 à 17 h. L’entrée est libre. Virtual Event for New Guidance Counsellors: Save the Date We are pleased to invite you to a free virtual Guidance Dialogue on October 18, from 9 to 11 am. New this fall, we are tailoring the content to deliver time-critical information that will benefit new guidance counsellors, including:
You will be able to submit questions related to the application process before the event and we will answer the most common ones. Please direct questions about specific programs or universities to the universities themselves. Note: Universities will not deliver individual presentations at the Fall 2022 event. University-specific updates and contact information will be available on the event website. More details will follow closer to the date of the event. Registration is required and will be available in early October. Please be advised that this event is for guidance counsellors only, and we are tailoring the content this fall for new guidance counsellors. Visit Guidance for more information and to register (once available). Please send all event inquiries to: Événement virtuel pour les nouvelles conseillères et nouveaux conseillers : Date à retenir Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à une séance virtuelle gratuite des Dialogues, le 18 octobre, de 9 h à 11 h. Nouveau cet automne : Nous adaptons notre contenu afin de livrer une information critique dont les nouveaux conseillères et conseillers en orientation pourront tirer profit, y compris :
Avant la tenue de l’événement, vous aurez l’occasion de soumettre des questions relatives au processus d’admission et nous fournirons des réponses aux questions les plus courantes. Veuillez s.v.p. poser vos questions sur un programme ou une université spécifique directement à l’établissement en question. Nota : Les universités ne donneront aucune présentation lors de l’événement d’automne 2022. Des mises à jour spécifiques aux universités, ainsi que les coordonnées de ces dernières, seront accessibles dans le site Web de l’événement. De plus amples détails suivront à l’approche de la date de l’événement. L’inscription est exigée et sera disponible dès le début d’octobre. Cet événement s’adresse uniquement aux conseillères et conseillers en orientation; de plus, nous en adapterons le contenu pour les nouvelles conseillères et nouveaux conseillers. Prière d’envoyer vos questions relatives à l’événement à l’adresse suivante :
This resource is designed to support Guidance Counsellors in exploring the diverse opportunities and benefits of a career in chemical engineering. The Webinar will be offered on November 18th and 25th from 9:00am -9:50am. Please click the link below to register. Dates: Oct. 17th to Dec.9th
For further information, please visit and go to the AQ section at the top of the main webpage. Cost: $650 Includes a one year OSCA-ACOSO: AQ subscription, if one does not have an active subscription and one link for a copy of Ethical Guidelines. NOTE: Registration will close one week before the course is to start or when registration is full.
Registration will open shortly on the OSCA website. This year's conference will be one day. Cost is $100/person or if one has renewed their OSCA-ACOSO subscription for 2022-2023, the cost is free! EVERYONE needs to register for the conference in order to receive the conference link. For the fall of 2023, OSCA looks forward to an in-person conference! The first 200 conference registrants will receive a "Sweet" gift from us so don't delay!
The theme for this year's Canada Career Month is: Amplify! Amplifiez! Each November, Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast celebrate the importance of accessing meaningful work and all those that help us in connecting with our preferred futures. Canada Career Month volunteers work to advance the agenda of improving access to career services and education so that all Canadians are better prepared to develop their careers and transition into the emergent labour market. Built upon the packages from previous years, this kit includes updates to key resources such as; The First Ten Days, Start Well, Listen, Believe and Act, and How to Support a Mentally Healthy Back to School for Your Child. Also available within the support package are practical, evidence-informed resources to promote and protect mental health at school. Including a wide-range of materials such as tip sheets, info sheets, lesson plans, social media shareables, videos, guides, reflection tools and a comprehensive PD Day slide deck ready to be implemented and customized to board’s local needs and priorities. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Santé mentale en milieu scolaire Ontario a publié la ressource intitulée Ensemble de soutiens pour favoriser la santé mentale à la rentrée scolaire afin de soutenir la santé mentale de tous les élèves. Cette trousse, qui repose sur les ressources des années précédentes, comprend des mises à jour de ressources clés telles que Les 10 premiers jours, Bien commencer, Écouter, croire et agir, et Comment soutenir la santé mentale de votre enfant lors de la rentrée scolaire. En outre, la trousse de soutien comporte des ressources pratiques, fondées sur des données probantes, pour promouvoir et préserver la santé mentale à l’école, mais aussi un large éventail de documents tels que des fiches-conseils, des fiches d’information, des plans de leçons, des documents partageables sur les réseaux sociaux , des vidéos, des guides pratiques, les outils de réflexion, et un jeu de diapositives complet pour la journée de perfectionnement professionnel, etc., qui sont prêts à être utilisés et sont adaptés aux priorités et aux besoins locaux de votre conseil scolaire.
In B.C., there are limits to the jobs that kids under 16 can get, but jobs can provide a lot more than cash to spend. They can be a crash course in negotiating relationships, power dynamics, expectations and responsibility.
Toronto: Thursday, September 22nd : 3pm to 8pm
Ottawa: Sunday, September 25th : 1pm to 5pm
Canada’s largest international university and student travel expo offers your students an exciting opportunity to meet with universities from around the world, including Canada, many of them ranking in the Top 100. Learn about degree, certificate and diploma programs, admission requirements and scholarships. Free admission. Subscribers' Lounge
Please visit to renew your subscription. All subscriptions expire on September 1st. Before renewing your subscription, please check with your board coordinator to see if they have purchased payment codes for you to use. If you have a board payment code, then you use this code to pay for your subscription when renewing. If not, each person will need to pay for their subscription, using the online renewal system that is set up on the webpage Remember, as a renewed OSCA member, you may attend the fall virtual conference for free, you will receive the weekly OSCA News to keep up-to-date on the latest resources and events to support your guidance and career education program and you will receive three issue of OSCA Today, the professional magazine of the association. Additional resources are found in the member's lounge, including Ethical Guidelines for Guidance Counsellors.
Your Board of Directors continues to work diligently throughout the year to bring the most up-to-date and innovative information and opportunities to you. We continue to look to fill all Board of Directors positions (Committees include Communications, Governance and Professional Development) and hope any OSCA/ACOSO members will consider joining! Learn more by going to Consider sharing your talents with us for 2023! Online nomination forms will be accepted until October 7.
A reminder that OSCA/ACOSO is looking to recognize your colleagues who have made significant contributions to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario - Contribution to Guidance and Career Education, Elementary Guidance, Curriculum and Resources, Peer Helping, and Guidance and Professional Development. Upcoming Events