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PMPI Career Development Committee Unveils Industry Designation "Human Resource" Program

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Are you thinking about acquiring an industry designation and would like to speak with a fellow member who has gone through the process? Whether a CMP, CMM, CSEP or other we have member volunteers willing to speak with you to share their personal experience and help you learn which designation is the best fit for your career path.

Industry Designation "Human Resource" Program

PMPI has developed a program that will allow our members with industry designations to share their experiences and expertise with the future CMP’s, CMM’s, CEM’s, CGMP’s etc., of tomorrow. In 2012 we are launching the first ever Industry Designation "Human Resource" Program. We will be using our greatest resource; experienced, working industry peers within PMPI, to help answer inquiries, provide direction, leadership, general knowledge and share personal experience with those PMPI members interested in taking ownership of their own professional development by acquiring one or more of the various industry designation and certification programs.

Below is a list of PMPI members willing to accept your outreach with questions regarding their particular designation and industry discipline and resulting in helping to act as a trusted counselor or supporter to guide you through the process. Who best to learn from than from someone who has already gone through the process. Most communication will be via e-mail, telephone, and to a lesser degree, in person if both parties desire and are able to meet face-to-face.

Based on the amount of interest our designation volunteers receive on this initial program we may provide a more formalized program later down the road in which a mentor and mentee are identified and matched for a specified period of time.

CMP – Certified Meeting Professional

Ann Kilian,CMP
Senior Conference Manager International Association of Chiefs of Police
**Request Email Only for initial contact**

Deidre "DeDe" Walsh, CMP, CTS
National Sales Manager
Projection Presentation Technology

Jason Watkins, CMP Director of Meetings
American Anthropological Association 703.528.19.02

CMM - Certified Meeting Manager

Komita T. Primalani, CMP, CMM
Marketing Conference Manager
Surescripts, LLC

Carrie Mitchell, CMP
National Sales Manager
Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Authority

CGMP - Certified Government Meeting Professional

Mikki Strompf, CGMP, CMP
Meeting Planner
Booz, Allen, Hamilton

Brian Chung, CGMP
National Sales Manager
Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau

CAE - Certified Association Executive

Kathleen Cochran, CAE, CMP
VP Meetings National Assn. of Health Underwriters **Request Email Only for initial contact**

Elise Lindsey, CMP, CAE
VP Business Development
Production Associates 703.476.4600

CASE - Certified Association Sales Executive

Sally Slater, CASE
Regional Director of Sales
Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau 703.684.0456

CEM - Certified in Exhibition Management

Diana DeJoy, CMP, CEM
International Manager, Operations
Biotechnology Industry Organization

CSEP - Certified Special Event Professional

Cynthia McDowell, CSEP, CMP
Meeting & Event Planner
National Stone, Sand & Gravel Assn. 703.526.1090

For more information please contact one of our Career Development Committee Co-Chairs:

Sekeno Aldred, CMP MTA
Learning Events Specialist
Goodwill Industries International, Inc.
15810 Indianola Drive Rockville, MD 20855
Phone: (240) 333-5395

Robin Roane, CTE, CCTE
CMP Senior Sales Manager
Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association
625 North Washington Street, Suite 400
Alexandria VA 22314
Phone: (703) 652-5372


Knoxville Tourism & Sports Corporation
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa
Space Needle


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as well as information about the resources we have to offer you.