Past Issues/Subscribe | Advertise | April 2012

PMPI Cares

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If your quest in business is to create and foster human connections in today’s hyper-connected world, and you realize you no longer just plan meetings and events; you design human connectivity; and you would like to learn how you impact your organization and events and change the world then the World Education Congress in St. Louis, Missouri July 28-31 is a MUST for you to attend to find your connectivity inspiration.

Don’t’ have the funds to attend? – WE HAVE GREAT NEWS! PMPI Cares is offering a scholarship to you for the registration and round trip airfare to attend. You will be responsible for your own hotel accomodations.

Apply NOW – you have until June 4, 2012 to apply for this scholarship which will be awarded at Evening of The Stars, on June 14.

Spring Shining Star:

Our Spring Shining "Star" will be announced at the April E2 on April 19, 2012. PMPI shines brighter with each new PMPI Star contributing their talents and hard work to the success of our chapter – we thank you for all of your hard work and contributions!

Knoxville Tourism & Sports Corporation
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa
Chesapeake Conventions & Tourism


Please visit our website at to learn more and register for all of our events,
as well as information about the resources we have to offer you.