A Visit with PMPI Past President: Everett Shupe, PMPI President 2004-2005

Everett had been a meeting professional for 3-4 years and decided to get more involved in industry organizations.  He regularly accessed the Meetings Industry Mall Listserve and decided to connect with  Joan Eisenstodt to see if she would like to get together to advise him on how to get more involved.  Joan, always happy to help someone grow in our industry agreed to meet up with Everett for breakfast.  She recommended looking at all the various organizations including PCMA and PMPI.  "I reached out to both and PMPI was the one who got back with me, " Everett shared,  "I joined PMPI and two veteran members,  Laurie Nelson-Choice and Lynn Whitehead, recruited me to be on both their committees – Communications and Educational Retreat."

Everett jumped right in and became involved writing articles and planning sessions for the educational retreat.  After doing a few of those Lynn recruited him to be a chair of the Educational Retreat committee.  "My first thought was that I couldn’t be chair."  Safisha Mance agreed to co-chair with Everett, and that started a professional and personal relationship that has remained strong throughout the years.  "We not only do things together professionally, I attended Safisha’s wedding and our families get together fairly often."

Learning, leadership and skills.

Another PMPI leader who took Everett under her wing was the amazing Melissa Benowitz.  "She asked me what my goals were as a chapter leader?  She helped me to realize some of my aspirations and as a result I quickly became chapter Treasurer on the PMPI Board, then President Elect and then President." said Everett.

We at PMPI are so glad that Everett decided to share his talents with us.  His contributions to the chapter have been awesome.  He praises PMPI as a great network for planners and suppliers.  "I always tap into PMPI not just to share job opportunities, but for professional and for personal needs.  For example, if I’m curious about a destination or looking for a vendor, I first reach out to the planners in our chapter.  

Networking, leadership and learning.

"We have the best education in the DC area," Everett beams.  His suggestion to new members:  "Put yourselves out there. People will be glad to engage you, but in a large chapter, you might have to make yourself more visible.   I challenge planners to guide their own career."  Everett adds that the tools PMPI offers to help you are plentiful.  "People have engaged me and helped me up the PMPI ladder."

Everett Shupe, PMPI President 2004-2005

Article written by:

Faye Pastor, CEM, CMP

Exhibits and Meetings Manager

Ecological Society of America

PMPI Membership, E & R Committee