Ready, Set, Meet: Coronavirus Event Safety Strategies
September 15
2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
Click here to register
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting Design
The Events Industry Council recently released new guidelines to help organizations make decisions on when and how to begin hosting gatherings, and strategies and tactics for safe meetings have been released from any number of organizations, hotel brands and industry associations. Discover highlights from these reports that can help your guidance with clients and your conversation with potential meeting partners and facilities. What questions should you be asking of both to ensure you are following the duty of care best practices for a safe-as-it-can-be event? Learn how other organizations are slowly bringing back the business of meetings.
Unleashing the Primal Brain: Tapping the Unconscious to Move People to Action
September 16
11 a.m. - Noon ET
Click here to register
1 Clock Hour | Domain E: Human Resources
What if you understood how the brain really makes decisions and could consistently influence it? In this dynamic keynote, bestselling author and neuromarketing expert Tim Ash will teach you key strategies for influencing the primitive and irrational parts of the brain that are really in charge of our actions. You’ll learn how to tap powerful universal motivations and automatic responses to deliver your marketing message on target every time. Walk away with a new perspective on the brain and several durable and practical strategies for ethically influencing your audience. Are you ready to be inspired? 
View more upcoming MPI Academy webinars here!