PEERS to Focus on Boiler MACT Legislation, Technology
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Attend TAPPI PEERS Conference, October 2-5 in Portland, and learn the latest details of the potential changes in air emissions controls as the U.S. EPA begins implementing its final air toxic rules for boilers. The TAPPI PEERS Conference offers multiple in-depth panel discussions exploring the impact of Boiler MACT from both the compliance and equipment perspective. It will also examine modern investment strategies that factor into environmental considerations as well as insurance costs and benefits.
Additional conference highlights include Keynote Speaker Miles P. Drake from Weyerhaeuser, a special two-day Dissolving Pulp Forum, a New Technology Showcase focusing on latest products and services available to the marketplace, a State of the Industry Presentation, Hot Topics Breakfasts, and a Sustainability Panel.
Of special interest to pulping professionals: TAPPI PEERS Conference is co-located with the International Pulp Bleaching Conference and you can attend both at a discounted rate just by being a TAPPI member.