TAPPI Over The Wire Paper 360
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Strategies to Improve Mill Energy Usage Unveiled at PEERS 2020

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Over the past decade the cost of energy storage has dropped significantly. As a result, utility scale battery storage systems in the range of 200-400 MW have become relatively common. These large systems can easily meet the needs of most paper and pulp mills and offer substantial benefits.

Energy intensive plants can offset demand charges by storing energy in large volumes when it is less expensive to purchase and using it when the plant would otherwise incur demand charges. Energy storage to the electrical system would also facilitate the incorporation of renewables to the energy mix which can be used to offset carbon emissions or create carbon credits. It can also improve or manipulate a mill site’s power factor.

“One of the most straightforward applications for energy storage is time-shifting energy use without actually changing the way you use electricity loads,” stated Aurel Giroux, Heavy Industrial Sector Leader at Stantec Consulting.

Giroux and Mike Voll, Global Lead, Smart Technologies at Stantec discuss strategies on how energy storage can help improve mills’ energy usage during TAPPI’s Pulping, Engineering, Environmental, Recycling and Sustainability (PEERS) Conference. Their presentation, “Has the Time Come for Industrial Scale Energy Storage Systems in the PPT&P Industry?” Wednesday, November 4 at 11am (EST), is part of the PEERS Energy, Recovery, Lime Kiln and Recaust (ERLR) track. Attendees will learn about various types of storage systems and how to assess whether a system would benefit their particular site.

PEERS 2020
This November 2-4, PEERS transitions to an all-virtual format creating an opportunity for industry professionals to participate in high quality technical sessions, research, keynote addresses, and networking events without leaving their mill or office. Mills can save money and time while still offering exceptional training opportunities to employees.

The comprehensive, peer-reviewed program includes tracks focused on the environment and sustainability, pulping, bleaching, recycling, plant engineering, corrosion and materials, reliability, nonwoods and more. The ERLR track offers both fundamental and practical knowledge on key process areas in mills, including evaporators, recovery boilers, recaust plant, lime kiln and energy generation. Topics are focused on maximizing the efficiency and throughput of the recovery cycle. Participants can also attend panels for in-depth discussions with industry experts.

Track sessions include:

  • Black Liquor Processing: Evaporators to Boilers
  • mproving Processability of Green Liquor
  • Managing Dissolving Tank Operation and Safety
  • Panel Discussion: Key Maintenance Issues for Rotary Kilns
  • Strategies to Improve Energy Usage in Mills
  • Lime Kiln Design to Increase Productivity
  • Effects of Process Conditions on Lime Kiln Operation

View full technical program for presentations and speakers

PEERS is co-located with the International Bioenergy & Bioproducts Conference (IBBC). Participants can attend both virtual events for only one registration fee.

For Conference details and to register, visit tappipeers.org

Attendees are encouraged to also participate in the co-located events’ first-ever virtual Fun Run. Learn more here.

Benefitting the Bottom Line
There are many benefits to sponsoring or exhibiting at the first-ever virtual PEERS/IBBC conferences. With Gold and Silver options you can get a virtual booth with videos, downloadable promotional materials, meetings with attendees, session sponsorships and more. To learn how your company can benefit, view our Exhibitor/Sponsor flyer.


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