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Physical Properties of Paper and Paperboard Live Q&A

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Ask The Expert Event: Physical Properties of Paper and Paperboard

Get answers to questions, directly from an expert. Log on to TAPPI Connect on Friday, July 30, 2021, from 10:00am to 12:00pm EDT, to participate in a live discussion led by expert Dennis Crawshaw.  He’ll be addressing questions on the basic physical properties of paper and paperboard, and how they are measured, as described in the TAPPI book Properties of Paper: An Introduction by William E. Scott and James C. Abbott, in collaboration with Stanley Trosset, and in numerous TAPPI Standards.

This Q&A session will include topics such as structural properties like basis weight, thickness, roughness, porosity, formation, and directionality; mechanical and strength properties tensile, tear, burst, fold, internal bond, z-direction, short-span compression, ring crush, abrasion resistance, stiffness, Concora medium test, edge crush, and flat crush.  Plus, topics such as barrier properties Cobb and Hercules size tests; appearance properties brightness, shade, opacity, and gloss; and surface properties coefficient of friction and slide angle.  Note that this Q&A event will not cover towel, tissue, napkin, or facial products.

Can't Think of a Question to Ask?

Curious about this topic, but don't have a specific question? You can log in and monitor the conversation without participating. It will also be archived, so you can revisit it as much as needed in the future. Visit the Ask the Expert events archive.

Post your questions on the Open Forum feed, or watch/read as others post their questions. Dennis Crawshaw will respond as quickly as possible. If he does have an opportunity to respond to your question during the event, the question will be addressed within the next week. This live session will also be archived and accessible after the event.

To attend, all you need to do is Login anytime between 10:00am and noon (EST) on Friday, July 30.


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