Pulpwood Prices Increase

After a temporary drop in the second quarter, the Softwood Wood Fiber Price Index (SFPI) increased again in the third quarter to the highest level during the financial crises, WRQ reports. The SFPI was $99.80/odmt in the third quarter, up $1.51/odmt from the previous quarter and $6.68/odmt from the same quarter in 2009. Prices went up not only because the U.S. dollar weakened against most other currencies, but also because prices in the local currencies were up in Europe, Western U.S., and Western Canada. Global hardwood fiber prices also trended upward, both in local currencies and U.S. dollar terms, in most regions covered by WRQ. The biggest increases occurred in Europe, where prices were up 5% -10% from the previous quarter. As a result, the Hardwood Wood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) was up $1.51/odmt to $104.88/odmt.
