TAPPI Scholarship Deadlines Approach

Don't miss your last chance! Hurry and take advantage of the financial resources TAPPI makes available to the industry's next generation of leaders -- today's students. TAPPI offers scholarships in a number of areas and you just might be eligible.

We know you're busy and you've been "meaning to" get around to it, so here's one last reminder. The deadline of February 15, 2011 (for most applications) is fast approaching.

To recap, here are the basics.

Who is eligible: The scholarships are available for graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in the pulp, paper, converting, and packaging industries. There are two general types of scholarships:

1- TAPPI Division scholarships. Read more. 
2- William L. Cullison Scholarship: Details available online.

If you're a student, this is a great way to apply for financial assistance for the 2011 – 2012 school year. Note that requirements will vary according to scholarship source (TAPPI Division) so you'll need to check the qualifications carefully. A reference document is available to help guide you through the process.

If you are affiliated with a college or university, share this with your students or other staffers who work with students. They'll be glad you did.

If you're in the industry, perhaps you know of students worthy of scholarship assistance with their education, so please pass this information along.

The deadline for the Technical Division scholarships is February 15, 2011. The deadline for the Cullison Scholarship is May 1, 2011. To be a winner you need to complete an application. Help us help you to fund a portion of your important education endeavors.
