The plan involves contracts for the supply, assembly, and startup of two electrofilters in the mill's recovery boilers. This first phase entails an investment of EUR 7.5 million and will reduce emissions levels of solid particles into the atmosphere by 40% compared with current levels. The two electrofilters will be started up in May 2012.
The company explains that "this significant environmental investment plan is part of a clear and well-defined sustainability policy that Torraspapel has been developing for some time now, one that has established the company as an environmental leader, with environmental figures well above the limits set by current regulations. All of the group's mills hold the strictest environmental management certifications available, guaranteeing the sustainable origin of raw materials, particularly wood and cellulose. "
In addition to the technological and environmental enhancements resulting from a more competitive mill, the plan entails maintaining current pulp and paper production levels, thereby preserving the direct employment of the more than 500 people currently working at the Zaragoza factory, plus its impact on indirect employment of more than an estimated 3,000 people.
Torraspapel has seven mills in Spain, each of which specializes in specific product lines, thereby ensuring enhanced product knowledge, superior product quality, and a high degree of competitiveness.