Ilim Group Output Exceeds 1.2 Million Metric Tons in First Six Months

Ilim Group, St Petersburg, Russia, reports that, based on results for the first six months of 2011, its mills have produced 1,268,000 metric tons of pulp and paper products, which is 5% more than for the same period of the previous year. Market pulp production totaled 799,000 metric tons. This is 3.5% more than in January-June of 2010.

Market containerboard production has gained 6%, reaching 362,000 metric tons. Paper output amounted to 107,000 metric tons, which is 9% more than in the first six months of 2010. A total of 28,000 metric tons of sack paper, 50,000 metric tons of offset paper, and 15,000 metric tons of paper for wallpaper manufacturing purposes were produced. Pulp cooking grew by 3% to 1,333,000 metric tons.

During the first six months, OAO Ilim Gofra manufactured 59,060,000 sq. meters of products (corrugated board and boxes). This is 33% more than in the three quarters of the previous year.