AbitibiBowater to Invest C$32 Million, Restart Ignace Sawmill

AbitibiBowater, Montyreal, Que., Canada, this week said that it has a capital investment plan that will lead to the restart and upgrade of its currently idled sawmill located in Ignace, Ont. The C$32 million investment includes the addition of an energy system and kilns to dry lumber, and a planer and packaging system to allow for the production of finished lumber ready for market.

Engineering, design and construction activities will occur over the next two years, with a return to production forecast for 2014.The investment is subject to the company reaching an acceptable labor agreement with the United Steelworkers union and finalizing an agreement on municipal matters with the Township of Ignace.

"We are currently planning on a design and construction schedule running through 2012-13, and a return to full production in late 2013/early 2014. The sawmill will also contribute to improving the cost of fiber for our pulp and paper mills in Thunder Bay and Fort Frances," said Yves Laflamme, SVP, Wood Products, Global Supply Chain and Information Technology.

This is the fourth significant announcement by AbitibiBowater in Ontario, resulting in more than C$100 million in investments.
