AbitibiBowater Increases FSC Forest Management Certification

AbitibiBowater, Montreal, Que., Canada, has received Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for the Black Spruce and Dog River-Matawin Forest areas, north of Thunder Bay, Ont. This area covers approximately 2.5 million hectares of forest stretching from Lake Nipigon to Quetico Provincial Park.

The FSC certification process took more than a year to complete and the certification audit entailed four auditors interviewing stakeholders including local citizens committees, community leaders, First Nations communities, and various forest contractors working in the region. The two forest regions were certified by the SmartWood Program of the Rainforest Alliance using the National Boreal Standard of FSC. The certificate (FSC-C107523) is valid for five years subject to the annual Surveillance audits.

AbitibiBowater and other member companies of the Forest Products Association of Canada, as well as a number of environmental organizations, are partners in the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement. The group works to identify solutions to conservation issues that meet the goal of balancing the three pillars of sustainability linked to human activities: economic, social, and environmental.
