SCA Packaging Design Challenge Accepting Submissions

Starting the beginning of this week (September 19), students and non-professional packaging designers from around the world will be able to submit their work to SCA's Design Challenge 03. This year's challenge is to create an innovative packaging design for LEGO's ‘Bricks and More' starter set and SCA's Tempo tissue box.

Participants that make it to the final will be invited to a workshop in one of SCA's Design Centers, including a visit to the factories of its two category sponsors. During this workshop, finalists will receive expert support and guidance to improve their designs before submitting them to the SCA Design Challenge final.

In addition to getting the chance to work with industry professionals and pitch their work to well-established designers, there will be EUR 14,000 in price money to be split among the finalists and internships at SCA Packaging for the category winners. Moreover, the winning concepts might even make it into production.

"This year, we are partnering up with two leading brand manufacturers and submissions to the Design Challenge need to focus around two very recognizable products. In addition, we are opening up the competition globally." says Katia Schotte, Communications Director at SCA Packaging. We believe this will make an interesting mix and will surely enrich the final shortlist."

Submissions to the SCA Design Challenge 03 will be accepted until December 4. More information is available online.