K-C announced in January that it was closing down the last of its pulp operations, including the Everett mill. On September 1, the company announced it would lay off workers if a buyer is not found by the end of the year.
"We're continuing the process to try to sell the plant, but the due diligence is still ongoing," K-C spokesman Bob Brand was quoted in the Journal article. "There's no guarantee there," he added. "We have to continue to plan for closing the plant." T
he Everett mill was started up in 1931 as Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Co. It became Soundview Pulp Co. in 1935 and was purchased by Scott Paper in 1951. Scott merged with K-C in 1985. Since the merger, K-C has invested some $300 million in the Everett operations, installing major wastewater treatment systems, adding a new effluent outfall, and switching its pulp bleaching from elemental chlorine to chlorine dioxide.