Winning at New Products: Proven Roadmap to Success

Winning at New Products: Proven Roadmap to Success

Contrary to popular belief new product ideas often are not the biggest problem companies face. It's figuring out which ones are most likely to succeed – and then taking them through to development and launch. Join Stage-Gate International April 17-18 in Alexandria, VA, to learn how the top global competitors get it done!

The two-day seminar will help attendees improve their ability to conceive and develop winning new products and launch products faster than ever before. Why attend? Because research shows that a high-quality product development process increases new product success by almost 40%.

The seminar is led by the creator of the Stage-Gate process, Dr. Robert Cooper, an internationally recognized forest products innovation thought-leader who has helped companies develop new products for more than 25 years. The seminar will teach attendees how to:

After two days packed with lectures, self assessments, problem solving sessions and case studies, you'll leave ready to take your team and company to the next level of new product success.

Learn more

Plan to attend "Winning at New Products: Proven Roadmap for Success" and the May 15-16 seminar "Successfully Implementing and Sustaining Your Idea-to-Launch Innovation Process" – AND SAVE! Contact Valerie Sather for promotion information –

 Remember to use the code TAP11 to receive the TAPPI member discount!