CBPP's pension plan administrators will launch the process for active and retired members of the unionized employees' pension plan to re-vote on the application of funding relief measures, which are essential to the mill's competitiveness and sustainability. The company expects the voting process to be completed by August 22.
The following step will then be for the company to finalize its assessment of the mill's viability, taking into consideration the fact that members of Lodge 1567 rejected the collective agreement proposal, which was modeled on the "pattern" agreement of CBPP's main competitor. In the meantime, the company will continue its efforts to reduce the mill's operating costs by applying necessary cost-cutting measures.
Kruger is a producer of publication papers, tissue, lumber and other wood products, corrugated cartons from recycled fibers, green and renewable energy, and wines and spirits. The company operates Canadian facilities in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and also operates facilities in the U.S.