PPMA Launches "Best Place to Work Award"

The Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Association (PPMA), Lakewood, Wis., USA, has launched its first-ever Best Place to Work Award. Open to all companies in the forest products industry, the award will look not only at corporate life but also at how employees feel about their work environments.

In conjunction with Majority Opinion Research Group, Atlanta, Ga., PPMA has started taking nominations for this award and will continue to accept nominations through July 1.

"This award is an exciting opportunity for PPMA to honor great companies. As an association that serves HR professionals, we know the value of making your company a great place to work," said PPMA President Joe Thibaudeau, employee relations manager - Procter & Gamble, Green Bay, Wis.

The award will be presented to the winner at the annual PPMA conference on October 23 – 25 in Milwaukee, Wis. The winner will have the chance to speak with conference attendees about what makes their company the "Best Place to Work."

The instructions and form to nominate your company for the Best Place to Work Award are available online.
