Dissolving pulp, a bleached wood pulp with a high cellulose content of more than 90%, is a key material used to manufacture viscose staple fiber (VSF) or rayon. More than 80% of the world's dissolving pulp is converted to viscose rayon fiber, which is used in dresses, jackets, suits, socks, neckties, and other garments.
Asia, specifically China, will continue to be the world's biggest market for dissolving pulp as a viable substitute for cotton with special applications in rayon fiber for textile industry. This is due to the limited domestic supply of fiber, increased production of garments, and the short supply of cotton, Double A says.
China is the world's largest production base of viscose fiber, Double A continues. In 2012, it notes, 60% of the world's total viscose fiber output was produced by China. With production expected to grow by 10%, demand for dissolving pulp will also rise, making China a key market for Double A.
Double A's $6.1 million investment will be used to upgrade its pulp production line in Thailand using modern technology from Finland. The machine will commence commercial production at the beginning of 2014 with 175,000 tons annual capacity. The first 100,000 tons of production will be exported to China.