In the Spotlight: Asko Hyttinen - "Pond Crosser" Perfects Worldwide Industry Outlook

As a long-time executive with Stora Enso, and now the proprietor of Strategy First Ltd Oy, Asko Hyttinen has used nearly 20 years of TAPPI membership to fine tune his understanding of global behaviors specific to the pulp, paper, and packaging industry. He accomplished this over the years by attending numerous conferences and classes, networking with other members across North America and Europe, and through active participation on a number of TAPPI committees.

Having lived extensively on two continents, including four moves back and forth "across the pond," Asko is familiar with the need to educate oneself on new environments. He applies that understanding to the P&P world, noting he has a pertinent desire to develop the paper and forest products industry inside and outside of industrial companies. "Developing a unique global knowledge and understanding of industry behavior and success factors is key to that," he says.

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