New Speakers, Sessions Added to PaperCon Program

Get In Tune for Sustainability, Agility, and Profitability at PaperCon, April 27-30, in Nashville, Tenn., USA.

PaperCon will help any mill find ways to run more profitably and stay competitive. Detailed program information is now available to help you plan your trip to Nashville.

The Papermakers Program offers three distinct tracks based on your interest: Paper Machine Upgrades; Product Development; and Stability, Agility and Fluid Fundamentals; allowing you to customize your schedule and return to your mill with solutions.

The Coating & Graphic Arts Program features a session on New Developments in Print Technology focusing on how pigment and/or binder combinations as well as controlled evaporation/dewatering rate during drying can help to achieve coating surface and structure for improved print quality.

The PIMA Management Program includes a session on Mill Workforce Development addressing the critical need to develop front and middle level leaders , shortening learning curves and preparing for the retirement tsunami.

Your registration to PaperCon also includes full access to these programs:
Remember, you can register now for the best rates!