IP Acquires Omaha Paper Stock Recycling Operation

International Paper Co., Memphis, Tenn., USA, has acquired the assets of paper recycling company Omaha Paper Stock (OPS), Omaha, Neb. The acquired assets include a 55,000-sq. ft. recycling facility located on seven acres, processing, and transportation equipment.

IP already has a facility in Omaha that will relocate to the acquired former OPS facility. The company says it expects the relocation to be completed by the end of this month. In the interim, IP is having the tons previously handled by OPS redirected to its existing facility for processing and marketing.
"The combination of our assets with the assets of Omaha Paper Stock will allow us to continue to build on our strategy of providing recovered fiber to our internal mill system and provide the best service to our customers in the Omaha, area," Bill Gardner, GM of IP’s recycling business, said.

IP recovers, processes, or facilitates the sale of more than 6 million tons of recovered fiber in the U.S. each year. The company’s recycling business includes 20 recycling plants and two customer service centers in North America.
