Wood Use Projections for U.S. Pellets, Bioenergy Rise

Forisk Consulting, Athens, Ga., USA, has announced the availability of Wood Bioenergy US (WBUS), a publication that tracks, screens, and analyzes the U.S. wood bioenergy sector. This issue's feature article compares estimates of wood-to-energy conversions from industry and academic research across wood energy types—pellets, ethanol, and electricity. 

Findings on wood pellets and electricity production suggest that 10% to 20% more green wood is needed per unit of output than often reported or assumed in previous projections. Revised conversion rates for pellets and electricity/CHP projects resulted in wood use projections that are 9% (10.7 million tons) higher by 2023 for total wood use from bioenergy and 9% (7.0 million tons) higher for volumes that pass screening criteria. Available research confirms the existing conversions applied to liquid fuel projects.
The June/July/August free summary of Wood Bioenergy US is now available online.
 According to the report, as of August 2014:
