Brazilian P&P Producer Signs Contract for New Port

According to a report published this week by Industrial Minerals Research, London, U.K, the paper and pulp industry in South America has suffered somewhat of a downturn in the past few years, but increased production and access to new markets in Brazil hints at a renewal of demand in the region. While news of a new port is not enough to decry a new upwards trend for pulp and paper markets in Brazil, the signs are encouraging.
Brazilian sea regulator Antaq recently signed contracts with pulp and paper producer Jari Celulose, Papel e Embalagens to construct a private port terminal in Para.
The contracts for the Port Jari, located in Almeirim, will last for 25 years (although this can be renewed) and include authorization for the handling of general cargo, as well as bulk solids and liquids. The final size of the terminal, when completed, will be approximately 90,757 sq.meters.