TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division Seeks Nomination for Two Positions
TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division is seeking nominations to fill two elected positions on the Corrugated Packaging Council (CPC). Nominations are being accepted for two industry members for a three year term.
The Call for Nominations will be sent to all members of TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division and the election results will be announced prior to the 2015 CorrExpo® event, October 19-21 in Louisville, Kent., USA
Completed applications should be submitted by e-mail to
Kristi Ledbetter at TAPPI.
The governing body of TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division, the CPC’s primary purpose is to develop strategic planning and product development. The CPC includes nine appointed members from
International Paper,
Menasha Packaging,
RockTenn Corporation,
Packaging Corporation of America,
The Newark Group,
Arvco Container,
CorrChoice, and
Buckeye Box. The current four elected positions include members from
Fosber America,
Geo M. Martin Company,
The Haire Group, and
ARC International. The current Chairs of the Corrugated Division Technical Committees and the Supplier Advisory Committee complete the council.
TAPPI’s Corrugated Packaging Division focuses on the manufacture and use of corrugated containers and associated packaging materials and products. It serves as a forum for knowledge sharing in the corrugated packaging industry. The division is comprised of members who work for converters, suppliers, consulting companies, and others in the converting industry.